GM Crops Are back on the Menu Again

It’s clear to the rest of the world that Monsanto and Dupont-Pioneer, the two giant corporations responsible for the future apocalypse of our modern age (let’s not forget Dow Chemical, the cheeky bastards), have ruined American farming with their genetically altered crops, and have spread […]

Johnny Bravo

Cartoons Aren’t Just For Kids

Hark back a time, to a much younger you. If you are above twenty, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Saturday morning, perhaps. Weekday evenings before the news, maybe. Whenever you got your fix, it was all good fun. Perhaps not good clean fun, though. […]


RevMedx Revolution in Curing Gunshot Wounds

An Oregon startup, RevMedx, which specializes in creating triage products for military medics and emergency service professionals, has created a device that can start healing a gunshot wound within 15 seconds, according to Popular Science. Indeed, this new leap in medical technology has the mucky-mucks who […]

grammy gay wedding

The Grammy Awards’ Big Gay Wedding

There was a cross the Internet uproar after (and during) the Grammys’ historic Madonna/Mackemore/Queen Latifah weddings sequence, a number that The Advocate, the longstanding LGBT mag, called “The Gayest Grammys Anyone Could Imagine.” I watched my Facebook newsfeed light up that night with rolling commentary, […]

Beep Music Streamer

Tech Review: Beep Music Streamer

War is about to break out over Wi-Fi, dear consumer, and you will be the ultimate benefactor! On Thursday, February 6, 2014, Beep, a startup led by Daniel Conrad and Shawn Lewis, former boy wonders at Google, announced their arrival on the scene. The two […]

Obama/Beyonce affair

Affair Rumored Between Obama and Beyonce

Above: Obama (image by spirit of america / and Beyonce (image by Debby Wong / Riding on the back of French President Francois Hollande’s public affair with actress Julie Gayet comes a fresh rumor of another love affair involving Obama and world famous singer Beyonce. […]

Valentine’s Day

The Perils of Valentine’s Day

Hey single people! Yes, you, consumer of Internet media without a significant other, it’s okay; you shouldn’t feel down. Yes, Valentine’s Day approacheth, but you should feel nothing but joy, for it’s the couples and lovers who will enter the labyrinth of terror on Friday. […]


Feeling and Being Connected In A City

Image: A view of Barcelona from Gaudi Park Flying from my home in Barcelona to my hometown, Melbourne, Australia, usually requires arming myself with concise and considered answers to a whole lot of well-intentioned questions from interested friends and family members. Pondering on the themes […]

How to Maintain Your Friendships

How to Maintain Your Friendships

I am a big champion of friendship. I’m not talking about the friendship where you go party together over the weekend, or someone you meet at work. I’m talking about the deep connections that take you from mere friends to BFFs. The kind of person […]