FCC Vote In Favour Of Net Neutrality

FCC Vote In Favor Of Net Neutrality

The FCC has just this moment voted 3-2 in favor of Net Neutrality and enacting Title II, a measure that will recognize the internet as a utility. In the historic vote taken in Washington D.C., millions across America and the world watched with baited breath […]

Reddit To Ban Revenge Porn

Reddit To Ban Revenge Porn

Reddit, one of the sites who played a central role in The Fappening, has ruled that stolen nudes and revenge porn are now banned from the site. In a post signed by a number of reddit’s top dogs, the new rules state that from March […]

Google To Censor Blogger Platform From March

Google To Censor Blogger Platform From March

Google, everybody’s favorite Internet Gatekeepers of Justice and Morality, have stepped up their pivotal role in the Pornocalypse with the news that their Blogger platform will cease to host sexually explicit material from March 23rd. As Google’s updated policy states, any blog that contains “sexually […]

Track Your Sex Life With A Bracelet

Track Your Sex Life With A Bracelet

Wearables are fast becoming the new trendy thing especially since Apple is set to join the foray with its new smartwatch, launching soon-ish. Spanish smartphone makers GeeksPhone have also jumped on the bandwagon with their new fitness tracker bracelet GeeksMe. Their trackers comes with the […]

Putting Corporations Behind Bars

Putting Corporations Behind Bars

The HSBC scandal – involving wide scale tax evasion and money laundering, among other activities – is yet another example of how large, powerful institutions have come to believe that they can do whatever they like, regardless of the law, and can act unethically with […]

Retro Porn Review - Deep Roots

Retro Porn Review – Deep Roots

Long before the Internet made tagging words a strategy for more clicks and visits, porn was using it for image association. The name Deep Roots is the perfect example for it. The tag line for the film on the movie poster is “Deeper than Throat, […]

Cult Film Review: Assault On Precinct 13

Cult Film Review: Assault On Precinct 13

John Carpenter’s Assault On Precinct 13 (1976) is a masterclass in fighting the odds. Our besieged protagonists are marooned in a soon-to-be derelict police station in an abandoned neighborhood, there’s no power, phone lines are cut and there’s not much in the way of weaponry […]

When Musicians Attack!

When Musicians Attack!

It’s something of a cliché to bring up this quote nowadays, but Hunter S. Thompson really did it say it best: “The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die […]

Former Porn Star Bree Olson Turns To Comedy

Former Porn Star Bree Olson Does Comedy

If you’re a porn fan, you probably remember Bree Olson for her very successful six-year career as a porn star. If you’re at least mildly into pop culture, you also probably remember her for being one of Charlie Sheen’s live-in “goddesses” during his very public […]