Inherent Vice: What's The Confusion?

Inherent Vice: What’s The Confusion?

Any prolonged period of hype tends to result in a negative consequence. You can only build up so much before you have to knock it down. While an upcoming film swimming lazily through waves of adulation and preening previews will inevitably suffer from catcalls and […]

Spider-Man Is Joining the MCU Family

Spider-Man Is Joining the MCU Family

Geekdom has been celebrating over the news that Spider-Man is finally making his way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sony Pictures Entertainment, who’ve tried and tried again to make a more than decent Peter Parker joint, have made a deal with Marvel Studios that will […]

When In Doubt, Better Call Saul!

When In Doubt, Better Call Saul!

Have you been having Breaking Bad withdrawal syndrome, much like the rest of us? Well then, I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that Better Call Saul has just premiered on AMC! You favorite attorney at law is now showing up on your television weekly. […]

Femdom - Who Holds The Power

Femdom – Who Holds The Power

Female domination sounds so simple. Women are in charge, and their submissives, usually men, obey their orders. She who cracks the whip holds the power. But as with most issues concerning human sexuality, it’s not always that simple. Is she really in charge, or is […]

Boycotting 50 Shades of Grey for Charity

Boycotting 50 Shades of Grey for Charity

The highly controversial and most likely cinematically horrible 50 Shades of Grey comes out on February 13th, and already there’s a move to boycott the catastrophe. According to an article in Good about the boycott, there’s a campaign gaining traction called 50 Dollars Not 50 […]

Web Series Review: Gigahoes Season One

Web Series Review: Gigahoes Season One

So there it is. After 12 weeks, and 12 deliciously screwed episodes, the first season of the comedy web-series Gigahoes came to a nice close on Tuesday January 6, 2015, with a healthy dose of the show’s usual naughtiness… plus a ‘what-the-heck’s-gonna-happen-now’ season cliffhanger to […]