Oh-Oh: North Korean Drones!

Oh-Oh: North Korean Drones!

Ah, North Korea. They’re a standup comedian’s dream! Operating under a ridiculous filial dictatorship with a ‘command’ economy, it owns an isolated population bereft of any means of modern communication and has a military dependent on Soviet equipment that was already redundant when the old […]

Kim Kardashian Breaks The Internet

Kim Kardashian West pledged to “break the internet” and with her latest publicity stunt she may just achieve her goal. The LA-born socialite, model, personality and…*cough*…actress has made a long and lucrative career from flaunting her fantastic body. This latest series of photos for Paper […]

Tech Review: Apple iPhone 6

Tech Review: Apple iPhone 6

Yep, Apple has finally got it together. To the Apple haters out there, Maestro Jonny Ive and his elite team out of Cupertino may indeed have taken eight previous goes at it, but permanence is not what they’re about. If you’re a naysayer, Apple’s designers […]

Laura Cornet's Baby Selfies Concept

Laura Cornet’s Baby Selfies Concept

If you’re ever asked what the most annoying aspect of Facebook is, the majority of people will probably say it’s the abundance of baby photos that pepper their timeline. Social media is primed for sharing every single detail about your life in an effort to […]

Tech review: Micromega MyAmp

Tech review: Micromega MyAmp

My own home still has a big old-school amplifier, receiver, CD player, turntable and giant speaker ensemble. I’m a music snob and, normally, I don’t give the time of day to component systems, which are only as good as the very first part that breaks. […]

Game Review: World of Tanks

Game Review: World of Tanks

Sometimes you just want to destroy shit, right? Well, no doubt about it, World of Tanks is way past awesome. It’s the one and only team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. World of Tanks is simple, a shooter game first and […]

The Net Neutrality Protests

The Net Neutrality Protests

Last Thursday (11/6) saw thousands of disaffected citizens take to the streets of major cities across the US in support of Net Neutrality. Positioned outside the White House, as well as Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Las Vegas, those in attendance used their platform to […]

The Weirdest Albums Ever Made

Music, like anything that bears the creative curse of often being for monetary gain, is most popular when simple, easy, and fun to dance to. People who don’t have the time to care about what they listen to will opt for radio hits and predominantly […]

Meditation For Cynics

Meditation For Cynics

So you’re at the office, and life is simply miserable. One of your co workers, let’s call her Jessica Stein, trots by your cubicle and tells you that some dude’s leading a mindfulness workshop after lunch. Mindfulness? you ask. Yeah! she says, we’re going to […]

Game Review: Sunset Overdrive

Game Review: Sunset Overdrive

Well, just in time for Christmas, here comes the absolute raving, punk antithesis of modern, narrative-driven action games exclusive to Xbox One. Sunset Overdrive with its color palate out of the inside of a bag of boiled candy, has the ironed-look of Japanese-style manga, but […]