Entertainment Piracy Is Still Sailing Strong

Entertainment Piracy Is Still Sailing Strong

In the bootleg stakes, ‘Orange Is the New Black,’ Netflix’s new hot hit series about a women’s prison, is the second-most-pirated TV show in the world after HBO’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ according to CEG TEK a data service which tracks online piracy. Nothing, it seems, […]

Tech News: Amazon Buys Twitch for US$1bn

A bit of a surprise on Monday, August 25, as Amazon purchased the video game streaming platform Twitch Interactive for $970 million in cash, as it broadcast to all and sundry that it is seriously ambitious about expanding its presence in gaming, according to Business […]

Music’s’s New Revenue Stream

Music’s’s New Revenue Stream

Perhaps all the stinging criticism from the likes of David Byrne, Thom Yorke and Neil Young finally wore them down. At any rate, for whatever reason, Spotify claim they are looking past plain old filthy lucre, as they seek to create new ways to bring […]

In Defense of the Ice Bucket Challenge

In Defense of the Ice Bucket Challenge

With advocates ranging from George W. Bush to David Beckham it would probably be easier to list the public figures that haven’t uploaded an ALS Association ice bucket challenge video and nomination onto Facebook. For those of you as ignorant on the subject as myself, […]

Game Review: The Last of Us Remastered

Game Review: The Last of Us Remastered

A spectacular game called The Last of Us, which I reviewed on February 14, 2014, here at BaDoink is back! And it’s better, although ‘better’ is, of course, a relative term at approximately $50 a crack. No doubt game manufacturers are simply out to maximize […]