Movie Review: Let’s Be Cops

Movie Review: Let’s Be Cops

In the never-ending quest to pilfer the meaningfulness out of each other’s work, the old Joe Mankiewicz tenet of “Distil! Distil!” has been reduced from fine, clear moonshine into R-Rated, raunchy, racially inclusive pap, vaguely recognizable as being something indeed familiar, yet strongly malodorous in […]

Looking for A Roommate? Check Out These Apps

Looking for A Roommate? Check Out These Apps

Old friends’ night out at the Cell on Friday. The Chicago White Sox hosting the Toronto Bluejays. Great seats. Bad game. Consummate boredom. Fester, Kevin and yours truly. Expensively domestic and $9 hot dogs. Afterward real drinking. Tales of Big Richard, our crazy roommate, circa […]

New Phone Can Be Charged By Shouting At It!

New Phone Can Be Charged By Shouting At It!

If you’ve ever had any kind of anger issues, chances are you’ve found yourself yelling at inanimate objects sometime in your life. While people with less aggressive coping skills might think it’s a pointless exercise, it’s an understandable way to channel that anger towards its […]

Things Are Looking Good for BuzzFeed

Things Are Looking Good for BuzzFeed

Newspapers are becoming doubly toxic these days. More and more people are allergic, it seems, to the soy ink which was supposed to be cleaner than the lead-based linotype old-school newspapers were originally printed in. Life is full of ironies, right? No matter, because fewer […]

ork Can Be Improved by Taking A Nap

Work Can Be Improved by Taking A Nap

Put simply, wage labor is a socioeconomic relationship that exists between two people whereby the employee sells their time to his or her employer. The sum total of that labor is then the property of the employer. The employer typically contracts workers to labor between […]

Woman Caught After Shooting Porn in a Church

Woman Caught After Shooting Porn in a Church

Sex and religion have always been awkwardly linked to each other. On one hand, they’re both pretty primal and passional subjects for human beings. On another, religion is so historically forbidding of anything flesh-related that putting both together became the ultimate taboo for some people. […]

Drones Breaking Into Prison!

Drones Breaking Into Prison!

As we all know, criminals and technology can make for a highly toxic cocktail. Now, of course, we’re hearing every day about master criminals out of the Russian Federation stealing all our credit card information. There’s also the shrugging acceptance in Europe, North and South […]

Retro Porn Reviews - Fantasy Girls

Retro Porn Reviews – Fantasy Girls

All-around interesting porn fellow Alex de Renzy wrote, directed and produced Fantasy Girls. But while some of his other movies tend to tackle weirder and more niche-oriented pornographic settings, Fantasy Girls is surprisingly a very stereotypical and simple male fantasy turned into a movie. The […]

Movie Review: Brendon Gleeson in Calvary

Movie Review: Brendon Gleeson in Calvary

A lot of critics write about Brendan Gleeson like he’s a guy you could sit down and enjoy a pint with in a pub, all hail-well-fellow-met. But after watching him take Albert Finney’s version of Winston Churchill in The Gathering Storm and then reconstitute it […]

Movie Review: The Inbetweeners 2

Movie Review: The Inbetweeners 2

After such healthy returns at the box office and DVD market, whether you wanted another Inbetweeners movie or not is a little out of your control. But then, as much as people roll their eyes and say that the cash cow’s udders are dry, sometimes […]

Mixing Your Drinks: The Rules!

Mixing Your Drinks: The Rules!

As a Brit living in Spain, one of the few things I used to miss about the ‘old country’ is the vast array of beer available. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a nice glass of wine (and good Iberian wine is second to none) […]