Podcast Review: Bring A Plate

Podcast Review: Bring A Plate

Bring A Plate made me question myself. It’s not because the issues they mull over are thought provoking or that they play hosts to esteemed guests with skyrocketing IQs. Oh no, quite the opposite in fact. As I have mentioned before, podcasts stir strange emotions […]

Is Music Dead? Heck No, You Cynic!

Is Music Dead? Heck No, You Cynic!

Teaching the other day, I asked a very basic music question, but received a deeply troubling answer. To my students I inquired, “Have you listened to an entire album through in the past month?” Only two of the twelve responded with a “yes,” the others […]

Here Comes Cheap Techno War!

Here Comes Cheap Techno War!

America’s greatest gift to the world is not its Peace Corps or its advanced agriculture, medicine or technology. No! It’s armaments. Weapons sales by the US tripled to a record high of US$66.3 billion in 2012, the Congressional Research Service said in its most recent […]

The Yiwu International Trade City

The Yiwu International Trade City

The image of China as the world’s industrial estate, thick black smoke from factory chimneys cloaking villages, towns and cities alike, has never been stronger. The race to become the world’s next superpower has taken on a grimly apocalyptic hue, with other nations such as […]

How the NSC Keeps E-Tabs On You

How the Internet Helps Keep E-Tabs On You

A whole bunch of happy jackasses of my general acquaintance were in their element on Facebook, ecstatic that an already convicted sex offender was arrested in Houston, Texas on Sunday August 3, 2014, after “Google flagged images of child abuse found in his gmail account” […]

Israel, Palestine and the Rest of the World

Israel, Palestine and the Rest of the World

It is not Anti-Semitic to criticize Israel. It IS Anti-Semitic to irrationally hate on Jewish people. Jews are NOT killing Palestinians. The State of Israel is killing Palestinians. Judaism, to my mind, is a faith not a nationality. That Israel is largely populated by Jewish […]