Cecibel Vogel, also known as the Real Miss Lou Boutin, is fast becoming an internet favorite and will quite possibly give Kim Kardashian a run for the money. If you’ve not had the pleasure of seeing her beautiful backside, you have now.
We know as much about her as her 800 K followers on Instagram, which is that she has the most ridiculous curves on the planet and is not shy. She’s frequently sporting her favorite 80’s rock band tanks from Guns N’ Roses to ACDC and claims that her favorite drink is Jack Daniels. What’s not to love we ask. A sure front-runner for 2016 woman of the year.
So, take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Oh, won’t you please take me home, @therealmisslouboutin. You can also see even more of her on Tumblr.