Today we talk to Lucie Blush, whose website recently received an honorable mention at the 2014 Feminist Porn Awards in Toronto. Fun-loving and lively, she’s an interesting young woman, originally from France but now living the good life in Barcelona, Spain, and at just 26 years old, Lucie is already making a name for herself in certain circles of the adult industry. Here are the highlights of the conversation we were lucky enough to enjoy with her…
How did you get into porn? What sparked it all off for you?
A few years back I started working with Swedish director Erika Lust here in Barcelona. I was doing a bit of everything, so I got to learn a bit more about porn and feminist porn specifically. Then, last year I got out of a pretty long relationship and started thinking about sex – and how to make it last in a relationship – and porn and women… and that’s how I started the blog.
You’ve said that you wanted to make better porn and make it accessible to everybody. Have you found that men really want better content? How many men visit your site? How many women?
It’s about half and half really, but I do receive a lot of messages from men saying, ‘Thank you for what you’re doing. I’ve been looking for something different for such a long time.’ Surprising enough, some men really want different content, something they can identify with more easily. For women it’s the same.
Maybe women are looking for a connection; something where the woman is not just a piece of meat used for sex. It doesn’t have to be romantic, but there has to be something between the people. I think men want the same thing. Maybe they don’t really identify with the stereotypical macho guy with muscles and a huge cock.
I don’t think there’s porn for women and porn for men. We all want something different. Some guys will always be satisfied with typing ‘brunette gets fucked’ online; others will crave something that will satisfy them more.
So what is Feminist porn? Can there really be such a thing?
Feminism has connotations; people imagine angry women with hairy armpits… it’s not like this. Feminism is just about equality. If we apply this to porn, it works the same way. Feminist porn can be hardcore, lesbian, romantic, anything as long as it has a few basics, like treating the actors right, making sure they’re comfortable, and portraying men and women as equal partners in sex, as active sexual beings.
Is it important to you that performers have had no cosmetic surgery… assuming the idea that you shouldn’t have to modify yourself to be something else is part of the feminist ideal?
Well, my own vision is they should be more natural looking, but maybe another feminist director would have another opinion. I think it’s high time we see normal people. A girl doesn’t have to have huge tits or huge lips to be desirable… I think at least some part of men wants something more authentic. It makes sense. When you go out and meet women, nobody really looks like the Barbie doll.
When you log on to, you’re told to expect good porn and erotic videos from a girl’s point of view. What is the girl’s point of view?
Well, it’s a girl’s perspective… my perspective. What turns me on, I publish it. I don’t know if other women will like it, but if I do, I put it up. I like many things but I think for me the most important is passion. It can be quick and dirty but passion has to be there.
What do you classify as ‘good porn’?
In my opinion, actors that are having fun… and that you can see are having fun… so you’re having fun.
You have a new project, What’s that all about?
Adult cinema, with my films for now and, I hope, more to come… and other directors that are in the same line of work. The idea is to put it all out there for free. I say on the site that maybe later I will ask for a price, but I’ve been thinking I’m just going to put it all for free.
When you look on Internet, normally the free stuff is the first thing you find, and some kids are young, like 16, and they don’t really want to pay, so they’re stuck with this visceral mainstream porn. I think if I put it all out for free, then they’ll have access to an alternative. I’d like to widen the pornorama.
Tell us about your first porn film, Alice Inside – which is available on to see on your site. What was it like, as your first experience, to film that?
The three of us were nervous. Many people ask if I get turned on while I film but I really don’t because I’m so focused on the camera; the light, angles. I don’t really realize there’s a couple fucking in front of me. It’s a great experience, but it’s hard, especially directing the actors because you don’t want to cut them in an intense moment. If an arm is in the way, you have to ask them to move it. You try to be discreet but still give direction. That’s pretty difficult.
Alice Inside also finishes with the woman’s orgasm, rather than the classic ‘cum shot’…
Well, I had planned to see the guy come as well – and not the usual coming on your tits thing – but he was kind of nervous, and very tired, so I thought, ‘we’ve got the girl’s orgasm, we can wrap up.’ Still, I don’t want to say the guy’s orgasm isn’t as important as hers but I do tend to focus more on the girl’s orgasm… and this one was genuine.
Do you think the future of feminist porn, with its emphasis on quality and production values, is to move porn into the mainstream, to be the bridge between the two?
Oh yeah, definitely… I hope that one day mainstream porn won’t be mainstream porn anymore… It’ll just be porn.
Maybe the real problem with the mainstream, in the end, is just about seeing a hard penis.
I’ve found this problem a few times. When I released Alice Inside I put the trailer on Vimeo. Everything that has pussy in it is fine, but a hard penis… it’s gone! It’s like, ‘Nobody wants to see an erect penis, especially straight women.’ Yeah, I mean why would straight women want to see a nice hard cock?
What would you say to those who argue that you’re doing down the feminist cause?
There are two groups of feminists: the anti-porn and the pro-porn. I think if we cancel porn altogether, it’s denying female sexuality. Porn in itself is not the bad guy. Women all deserve to explore their sexuality and have fun and porn is one of the tools to do that.
Would you ever consider performing in your own porn, you know, maybe being the Lena Dunham of porn?
Yes, I love her. I think I need a bit more time – I’m still focusing on and learning how to be behind the camera – but I definitely think it would be a big challenge for me, to understand what actors feel like, so that I can be a better director. Maybe it’s a bit hypocritical of me to say, ‘Oh it’s fine for women to get naked but me, no.’
So what have you gotten out of all of this?
A sense in life. I’ve decided to work on this full time and succeed. It might be very selfish but I just want to do something that makes me feel good and makes me feel right.
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