A beer connoisseur doesn’t just enjoy what’s in the bottle or can; they enjoy the bottle too. Here’s a list of some of the coolest beer designs out there…
1. Alhambra, 1925 (Alhambra, Granada, Spain)
This bottle is so badass, the label is blown right on the shiny, green bottle. Classy.
2. Desperados (somewhere in France)
This mysterious brew, although terrible, is tequila flavored and has a party-themed design.
3. BrewDog (Scotland)
Their label is bold and brash, and every single one of their bottles aesthetically screams at you.
4. Great Divide Brewing Co. (Denver, Colorado)
Every single bottle design makes you want to drink said beer while traversing a goddamn mountain.
5. Corona (Mexico City, Mexico)
The bottle itself is perfect because of its long neck and its label design is trashily simple and elegant.
6. Anchor Brewing (San Francisco, California)
The labels are fancy and, well, I’ll say it, elitist enough to be awesome.
7. (Butternuts Beer & Ale, Garrattsville, New York)
Better than any bottle, this pink can with two pigs slapping stomachs is a classic.
8. (San Francisco, California)
Stars, spangles, and crazy designs come with each can of this delicious craft brew.
9. Magic Hat (Burlington, Vermont)
The designs on their bottles make you think you may or not be smoking some tasty herb along with beer consumption.
10. Narragansett Brewing Co. (Providence, Rhode Island)
The design may be simple, but every New Englander knows the signature letterings and tall cans (one of the things I miss most being in Europe).