This list is actually impossible, but here’s ten amazing rock songs that are unquestionably amazing.
“Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen
The undisputed greatest song in any genre; everyone on the planet knows the lyrics and when to start headbanging vigorously.
“Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey
The best part of any night out is when this song starts blasting as loud as possible anywhere.
“Hey Jude” by The Beatles
Beautiful beyond what music should be capable of.
“Baba O’Reilly” by The Who
That crazy keys opening gets me every time (then Keith Moon starts drumming and everything is awesome).
“No Quarter” by Led Zeppelin
Although their thunderous tunes rock harder, this tune is weird and shows how creative these English rockers could be.
“More Than a Feeling” by Boston
Don’t [pretend you don’t know the words to this song (and secretly sing it everywhere).
“Heart of the Sunrise” by Yes
Technically mesmerizing and one of the first truly great prog rock tunes.
“Foxy Lady” by Jimi Hendrix
Go watch Wayne’s World and then do the Garth Algar dance in front of your very own dream woman.
“Come As You Are” by Nirvana
Beautifully brutal and more deserving of crazy amounts of praise than “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”
“Losing My Religion” by R.E.M.
Michael Stipe’s voice is super beautiful. I love R.E.M., and so should you.
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