From the start of the Internet there have been websites that completely changed the Internet. These are the websites that bring free information to everyone (Wikipedia) or allow us to check out email anywhere (Hotmail) or even change how we shop (Amazon). Before these sites, we were just plodding along on our 56k modem and now look at us:
Before Google came along, Yahoo was the premier search engine of yonder.
Google has changed everything and I’m being serious (and perhaps a little dramatic).
Completely changed how we used emails. It was the first web based email ever. Before that you could only check your email on your own computer.
Changed the way we keep in touch, share and connect and has pretty much infiltrated every aspect of our online life.
Oh MySpace, we all remember you and your customizable pages fondly.
Now the world can watch cat videos and singers can be discovered from the comfort of your own home.
eBay made it easy to sell your junk.
Completely changed how we find information.
Revolutionized how we shared music and really, really pissed off all the music companies.
They started from just selling books online and now you can pretty much get anything from them at a price that is probably cheaper than a brick and mortar store and in most places they even deliver for free. Totally changed how we shop.