There’s a new hookup app in town, 3nder, and, hey, it’s for threesomes!

Ok, I have to say this. I can’t keep up with all the new apps coming out. They’re coming out much too quickly and I can hardly test them all. On one hand, I am glad that we are getting sex and all its related variations, preferences and styles out in the mainstream where it can be normalized. On the other hand, is the cure for all that another smartphone app? Especially since some also seem to be the cause of people having less sex.

Well, for Dimo Trifono, creator of 3nder, his goal was to demystify the ever-elusive threesome. In an interview with Huffington Post Trifono said that he “wanted to create a new face of a dodgy industry” after finding out that everything online about threesomes seemed to be ugly and vulgar. His app creates an easy way for shy, lazy and/or sexually active people to meet each other for a spot of ménage à trois. You can join as a couple or as a single person and just like other apps like Tinder and Grindr (premium) you can also swipe to go to the next photo.


According to the apps website, 3nder is, “A service that works for singles and couples. It’s the easiest way to find someone with similar interest and desires. You can also easily hide yourself from friends and family so you can browse freely.”

3nder will act as a platform for meeting people. However, whether or not these people take it to next level and arrange for a meeting, it is up to the individual. What is clear is that Trifono is trying to normalize human sexual desires:

“It’s about time to take the next step and make people comfortable about their sexual desires. We need to evolve our social acceptance.”

I totally applaud him for his efforts and only time will tell if another app in the market is the way to go. You can sign up to get an invitation, as this app hasn’t actually launched yet. Hopefully by the time that it does we can finally figure out how to pronounce it’s name, threender? Three-ender? Thrinder?