Having some friends over and want to impress them with your cocktail making skills? Have no fear! We have gathered some yummy and easy to follow videos that teach you how to make cocktails.
Let’s start with my favorite one – Mojitos! Available almost everywhere but not so easy to make, right? But follow these easy steps and make a kick ass Mojito!
Bloody Mary
It took me a while to get used to drinking Bloody Marys but once I tasted a well made one, I never turned back. When made well this drink is just so yummy AND I’m pretty sure that all that tomato juice makes up for a portion of your daily vegetable needs.
I’ve never been a big fan of Caipirinhas, I prefer Mojitos, but this Brazilian drink is pretty big at parties, so learning to make a good Caipirinha is a good skill to have.
Oh yummy! Margaritas are great party drinks and yet not super easy to make. Follow this recipe and learn how to make them awesomely!
Mai Tai
Another drink I never got into but people seem to be into it big time. So, as always learning how to make a good Mai Tai can make or break a party. Ok, it might not be so dramatic, but you know what I mean!
So here we are, a little drunk but happy! And we have some new skills up our sleeves! Let us know how the party goes!