Legend has it that you can say a lot about a man’s bedroom skills from the way he dances. To an extent, I agree with this (ahem) legend. It’s true, if a man is as stiff as a board, refuses to move, is self conscious or keeps stepping on your feet, it won’t bode well in the bedroom. But just because he has moves like Jagger doesn’t mean that he will be the bringer of ecstasy. I mean, bad sex is bad sex, however, aside from bringing possible pleasure in the bedroom, being able to dance also makes you look good. So this is a great skill to have. After all it doesn’t look good if your lady is being swept off her feet by ol’ uncle Jack at the next family gathering! You should know at least one of these dances:

Probably the dance to learn that is on almost everyone’s bucket list. Salsa seems to be universally known. It’s an easy four step dance that can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be – but don’t let these four steps fool you. A lot of men believe that they can pass off twirling the girl and popping their hips as salsa, ah what fools you are. So many salsa wannabes in the crowd. Actually knowing the dance can make a huge difference and you would benefit from a few lessons!
If the salsa seems a little too complicated for you, then check out Cumbia, a simple 2 step dance from Colombia. This is a great dance if you want to impress a girl with your rhythm while actually knowing what you’re doing on the dance floor. Add a few spins and you’re set!
I can’t think of a happier, more fun dance really! I remember my uncle taking my aunt for a spin (dancing the Lindy Hop) and they looked like they were having so much fun. And when a girl has fun on a date, it means good things for you! Sure it might not be sexy like the Argentine Tango, but it still goes the distance.
The 2 Step
Perhaps you’ve got yourself a country girl but you don’t want to learn to line dance. Here is a great (not to mention super easy) couples dance that you can do with her. The two step is literally that, two steps and repeat. Can’t go wrong there!
Argentine Tango
One of the harder dances to learn but with a lot more benefit too. This intense dance that requires body contact throughout and some pretty nifty kicks in between is so sexy, it’s sure to set the mood. Well worth the effort I say!
Good luck lads!