A couple of weeks ago BaDoink published an article on why women comics aren’t funny. Well as you can guess I was a little surprised because I know many funny women and I follow many funny female comedians. I have a theory I am working on, on why (mostly) men don’t think women are funny. My theory is that men can’t relate. Men relate to male comics. But bring out a woman who is cracking gender jokes and suddenly even if the joke is funny, it sounds like they’re being nagged (subconsciously). Well, that’s my theory and I’m working on it, but if you have some feedback, would love to hear it. Anyway, not to school the writer of the article or anything (ahem), here’s my list of five funniest women in comedy:

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

These two put together are like PB&J. Awesome! When they hosted the Golden Globe Awards again this year, it generated the highest rating for the ceremony in ten years. Both have gone on to star in critically acclaimed comedy shows of their own (30Rock and Parks and Recreation) and Tina Fey was also the head writer for SNL so essentially, for a little while you were laughing your ass off at jokes that she either wrote or approved.

Kristen Wiig

I love Kristen Wiig so much. This talented lady co-wrote Bridesmaid with her best friend Annie Mumolo (which went on to be nominated for dozens of awards) and does the best impersonations ever. I absolutely love her expressions!

Ellen DeGeneres

Many people don’t know this but Ellen first started out as a stand-up comedian and now thanks to her crazy successful talk show, she’s more of a household name in the talk show circuit. I love Ellen because not only is she funny, she doesn’t feel the need to use meanness or vulgarity in her show to be funny.

Whitney Cummings

Now that we’ve covered the bigwigs, it’s time to get to the relative ‘newcomer’ on the scene – Whitney Cummings. I first heard of Ms. Cummings when I watched her show Whitney (which was sadly cancelled) but really got into her brash, potty mouthed, ‘yes-I-went-there’ comedic style when I watched the hit television series 2 Broke Girls, which she co-wrote.

Notable mentions, Chelsea Peretti (from Brooklyn-nine-nine – best show ever), Chelsea Handler and Mindy Kaling.

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