When it comes to sex, you’ve got to have a sense of humor or else you’re doomed right from the start… how else are you meant to cope with a pussy-fart or the fact that ALL ball-sacks look like the heads of wrinkled old men? To help you gain a little perspective on the squishy-squelchy world of bumping uglies, we’ve compiled a bunch of hilarious sex and porn-related videos that are sure to bring tears to your eyes… in a good way… not like a kick in the nutbag.

PG PORN: Squeal Happy Whores
Described as being, ‘for people who love everything about porn… except the sex,’ James Gunn’s PG Porn series puts a unique twist on the adult industry. In this one, porn star Jenna Haze thinks she’s on a normal shoot when things take an unexpected musical turn…

What Women Are Really Thinking During Sex
Pretty much everything you need to know about this video is summed up right there in the title. Here’s a clue… it’s not, ‘Oh yes, yes, yes!’

How to Have Sex in a Car
An ‘educational’ video written and directed by its star Ceciley (there’s a pile of other stuff on her YouTube channel if you’re into it), don’t expect to learn too much about one of the greatest pastimes of the modern age…

The Lonely Island – Jizz In My Pants
This has been around for a while now but it’s still so damn funny – unless you happen to suffer from chronic premature ejaculation. With Andy Samberg and Jorma Taccone, the song originally featured on Saturday Night Live in December 2008…

Man Stroke Woman – Nurse Scene
Man Stroke Woman was a UK comedy sketch show. One of the show’s recurring themes was a series of sketches involving a man trying to enjoy various sexual role-play games with his GF. Unfortunately, her incredibly literal nature always gets in the way…

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