I get it; it’s not easy to admit that what you’re wearing has long stopped to be fashionable. I mean, it took you ages to get this hip to begin with. Alas, trends change and some trends should never have existed in the first place. We here at BaDoink, we’re looking out of you, really (ahem). We’re always keeping an eye out for these things and making sure you’re updated so you’ll always be on the forefront of cool. But before you get there, following on from another item on style no-no’s, here are 5 more things you need to stop wearing now:

Dad Jeans

5 More Things You Need to Stop Wearing

Aww, no offense to dad, but these jeans are flattering to no one! These are high waisted, comfy, slightly stone-washed jeans (and usually paired with chunky gym shoes) and worn by wholesome men all over. I’m sure they’re comfy, but come on! You’ve got better in you.

D-bag Shirts

5 More Things You Need to Stop Wearing

You know the shirt. They’re big and loud (often a little shiny) and have big collars and cuffs. They come either in dazzling color, or print or sometimes have the collar and/or cuffs sport some opposing design. I don’t know who will pick up this shirt and go, “Yeah this is cool!” but it happens… No one wears these but douchebags. And even if you aren’t a douchebag, wearing this will stamp it on your person forever. Stay away….

Bedazzled Jeans

5 More Things You Need to Stop Wearing

I don’t know when this became a thing with men’s clothing but it has got to stop. There is just no way to save this ‘trend’ – it was doomed the moment it got here. And yet, I still see some guys with their bedazzled jeans strutting about town. Listen, if teenage girls think this trend is the bees-knees, then you should take that as a cue to stay away from it.


5 More Things You Need to Stop Wearing

I get it, beanies are ‘cool’. Yeah, they’re for cool weather. When you need something to keep your head warm cuz it’s cold. They’re not for hot summer days when we can see your sweat trickling down your forehead under your beanie. Please stop wearing these inappropriately.

Dog Tags

5 More Things You Need to Stop Wearing

Are you serving or have you served in the armed forces? Oh no? Then take that off and show some respect to those who have/are. Geez…

I hope you’re taking notes, because there will be more snarky advice coming soon. Meanwhile, who do you know that still wears any of the above?

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