Nothing scares me more after a major night/weekend bender than checking my phone in the morning; not so much for any messages I’ve received, but for outgoing ones I might have sent during the night. Those that my hungover brain might not remember all that well.
When we’re drunk, our inhibitions go down and we’re likely less concerned about the consequences of our actions than we would be when sober. So it gets remarkably easy to think certain calls or texts are perfectly reasonable ideas at the time.
We’ve all familiar with that morning remorse about an inappropriate booty call to the wrong person; or an overly revealing message to someone we care about; or a rather truthful one to an authority figure we finally got the balls to be honest with. What all of these have in common is a deep-rooted regret that is hard to shake off, and the wishful thought that we could have a way to make it all go away somehow.
With a new app called Ansa, we can now magically get rid of all evidence of our drunken faux pas.
Ansa is a private messenger service that gives you more control of the things you share. It offers the option to chat off the record to avoid leaving an unwanted trace of a conversation, while also self-destructing photos, videos and text that you’ve shared with friends in the past.
According to their own description on the iTunes Store, “Ansa is the safest place to let go, and be yourself with friends. It’s the only messaging app that lets you communicate like you do in person, without leaving a record behind.”
While other similar apps, like Snapchat, allow you to automatically delete messages, pictures or videos right after they’ve been viewed, Ansa actually lets you delete stuff you already sent to someone remotely, from your own device, before the other person gets a chance to see them, using a feature they call “synced deletion.” Basically, it’s like an undo button for your bad texting choices.
The app is completely free, and it was created by 23-year-old Natalie Bryla, who developed Ansa in order to give people more control over their texts, while changing the permanent quality that haunts so many of us.
Of course, if you’d like to keep the messages you exchange on Ansa, it’s perfectly possible; but having the option of going off the record and having the power to delete something that we might regret later is quite a relief, and a pretty damn useful app for all fellow drunks with questionable decision making — not to mention those who might make equally terrible choices without the booze or drugs; because, as I’m also painfully aware of, regret doesn’t discriminate against soberness.