Well I’m really pleased to introduce Instagram’s new app Hyperlapse, which launched late August 2014. While Instagram might just be a series of underlit food photos from your friends, Hyperlapse could just be the new app you’ve been waiting for. It is a way to create time-lapse videos with an amazing built-in image stabilization algorithm that can stabilize shaky videos – enough to make you think that they were filmed with a rig. And that’s saying something.
No longer will you have to endure your Uncle Ted’s shaky home videos where he appears to be literally walking with his phone in his hand, thinking he’s making cinematic gold. Well, you might still have to endure it, but at least this time it’ll be a little more bearable and a lot less shaky.
The app is simple to use, with just one tap it app will start recording, after which you can pick your playback speed and then easily share your video on Instagram and Facebook. With it’s simplicity comes freedom and the real creativity is how you choose to use it.
Check out some videos already on Instagram:
So far Hyperlapse videos have been shared on Instagram but slowly but surely it’ll start creeping into other platforms. Many users are also stitching together their Hyperlapse videos and uploading them onto Vimeo, like this Nathan Kaso Biking Through Melbourne video:
Bikerlapse – Instagram Hyperlapse on a bike from Nathan Kaso on Vimeo.
If you’re the adventurous kind, and you’re fond of shooting videos of you jumping off planes, or zipping around on a bicycle, then Hyperlapse offers a great way for people to come with you on your journey without having to sit through many a boring minute of what might seem to you as awesome, but to a viewer as just sitting around waiting. This way you can compress a 10 minute video to something more watchable in today’s standard, like say one minute long.
Sure the compression of the video leaves something to be desired, but for as we now know, it doesn’t take a HD video to be appreciated by many. Download it at the app store to test it out yourself!
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