Faploid: The Flipboard Of Porn

Those who decry the Western political system call it an “illusion of choice”; the idea that the people we choose to represent us are not individuals with distinct differences, but part of a larger scam that ultimately forwards one or more common causes. It’s a dark vision, sure, but it doesn’t seem that unlikely.

Be that as it may, the illusion of choice is not something we have to contend with when it comes to porn. Even typing the letter X into a search engine will suck you into the lubed vortex before you can even blink. There’s a lot out there. Trillions and trillions of everything sexual for everyone. Like the old song said: ‘The Internet Is For Porn’.

So as we sit, sated and spoiled by the spools of smut unravelling around our ankles (jeans already pulled down that far) could it be that we… oh man we can’t believe we’re going to say this… could it be that we have TOO MUCH porn?

For those of you that have just recovered from fainting, welcome back. The rest of you, stay with us.

Look, we’ve all had those particular moments where, and we won’t go too deep here, we’re in the mood for a little Me Time, but your mind can’t settle on something good to get the motor started, categories are browsed but nothing tickles your fancy. See what we mean? It can be a little unnerving. It’s Obi-Wan eulogizing on the destruction of Alderaan; millions of voices crying out at once.

It’s about refinement, see. You want the best, you want is customized and you want it, presumably, now. Besides, you can just about customize every other thing in the world, so why not porn?

Welcome to the fold then Faploid. It’s the fully customizable, high-quality, exciting and incredibly filthy online magazine that is geared to YOUR tastes. There’s more free stuff than you can shake a dick at with even better stuff just waiting to be unleashed by your hard-earned dollars.

It was the over-abundance of choice that led to one of Faploid’s founders, Tony Tillate, lighting the fire that led to the warmth of Faploid.

“The idea of Faploid was born while some friends and I were having a drink,” Tony told BaDoink. “As one does, we ended up talking about the different fetishes people can have. When searching the web for adult content you’ll find websites catering to pretty much any taste. However, with the huge selection of content available online today, it’s increasingly difficult and time-consuming to find the content you want and the chance that a virus or other harmful content is found is very high. For many this will result in indecisiveness and not getting what they were looking for.

“I decided to help the original content creators and publishers to build a tool which will help them and the consumer to reach each other. I registered a catchy domain and put a landing page online just as an idea, because you’ll never know if people are gonna like it. Then, after publishing our first press release, Faploid demonstrated a massive global appeal – the website went down due to demand!”

Faploid: The Flipboard Of Porn

That Faploid was groaning under the weight of demand from the get go comes as little surprise. The service is efficient, more than user-friendly and designed to give you the best of what you want without bombarding you with previews, teasing and a whole lotta talk and no action.

While the site isn’t fully live yet, with an official launch due to be announced in a matter of weeks, Faploid’s legs are open to the public in beta mode. You’d be crazy to miss out.

“Our closed beta was tested by a subgroup of people who registered early. With their honest and overwhelmingly positive feedback, we adapted the features of the software where needed,” said Tony.

For you, the lucky recipient of this bounty of bouncy action, is Faploid’s mission to provide you with instant gratification. They filter, sort and rank our content partners content and display it in a magazine format. It’s convenient to flip through and watch on desktop, tablet and mobile. Gone are the days of time-consuming online searches and weeding through content overkill. In summary, less time for your hand to spend typing and more time to, well… that’s between you and your hands.

It’s all very simple. After registering and creating an account, you’re granted access to range of categories. All of the usual favorites are there (with Tony telling us that “Fingering, Anal, Big tits, Big Ass and Asian are the most popular niches). It’s nothing else but a matter of clicking on what you like and – like some kind of Drop Dead Delivery Service – Faploid deliver regular doses of the best of what you asked for. Now that’s service we can get behind. Plans are afoot to introduce more gay content and further exploration within all manner of niches as Faploid inevitably swells into the big time.

For Tony and the rest of the Einsteins at Faploid, it’s the true and just reward for a lot of hard work, pushing, pulling and creating a product to satisfy as many people as possible. These are indeed the fruits of their labour.

“After a roller coaster period of overwhelming market enthusiasm, dealing with potential investors, development and testing, the waiting list has grown to over more than fifty thousand people.

“Faploid has already build an active audience of enthusiastic people and extraordinary fans. Our support desk is receiving more feedback and compliments each day. We are thrilled to see that we are bringing something people are awaiting for and we are constantly working on developing the service by adding new content, niches and improving content delivery speeds.

“Lastly, we can state that Faploid is socially accepted. Mainstream media outlets such as Gizmodo, Guyism and Betabeat has given us tremendous attention.”

Faploid: The Flipboard Of Porn

The reason the mainstream have taken to Faploid is because they are adapting the mainstream’s techniques for themselves. While the adult biz and the mainstream don’t make for perfect bedfellows, it’s a Cold War that comes with an acceptance: one can learn from the other. The bullishness and rapid expansion of Netflix, Spotify and iTunes during a time when the wave of piracy loomed on their shores has secured them the places at the big table and a plateful of dollars.

“Although there is plenty of free content available through tube and torrent sites, we see a huge growth potential for Faploid and our future services. The industry is evolving and learning from innovative mainstream services such as iTunes, Spotify, Netflix and Flipboard,” says Tony. Regardless of what you may think of these corporate behemoths, and Lord knows there are enough opinions ricocheting around us, in business terms they are there to be admired. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right?

Having dodged the usual booby-traps that can litter a SexTech start-up’s early days by working with service providers from within the adult biz since day one, and even rejecting the advances of an early take-over bid, the future for Faploid and their in-house algorithm looks more than sweet.

“We have bigger dreams” enthuses Tony. “Quality content is increasingly important for discerning consumers, male and female, of adult content. We aim to increase our number of partnerships with quality adult content providers. I see us grow into a publishing platform for content partners in the near future. For now, we’re working on more options, like erotic stories and live elements, such as webcams, to add to the digital tabloids.”

With Faploid and their customizable magazines, we can turn the page on the beginning of another promising chapter in the SexTech Bible.

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