Rodney Moore is an adult video producer known for helping pioneer what became known as the Gonzo style of porn. He has shot with over 1,300 different women over the course of his career and is particularly famous for work that focuses on oral sex and facials. We recently had a chance to talk to the ‘King of Creme’ himself. Here are the highlights of that conversation…

Without sounding like Uriah Heap, I want to say that from my POV you are a kind of hero. There’s that trope on the TV show Dexter that’s a repeated tongue-in-cheek line that “He’s living the dream.” And of course he’s not because his ‘marriage’ is complex and he’s a secret vigilante serial killer, etc.  And I would bet, if you could get most people to be honest, that your life – at least from the outside – looks to be kind of ideal/idyllic. What do you think?

Thank you. I’ve been doing this a long time, 22 years to be exact, and I would say that the first 15 were like living a dream, new hot sexy girls and old favorites to play with on a weekly basis. But even that becomes routine after a while. Like eating, having sex never gets tiring, but if you spent 22 years dining at 4 star restaurants, after a while you might start craving McDonalds. Which leads to your next question.

Interview: King of Creme - Rodney Moore

Can you see yourself slipping into some new phase of bourgeois existence with a wife, kids, et al?

I don’t know about kids, I may have passed that point in my life, but a happy satisfying relationship with one great woman is a goal, which truthfully is made much harder to achieve by being a “porn star” and having had sex with well over a thousand women in 22 years. Try putting that in your profile on

Are you from Seattle originally? Are there many reasons you chose not to live in Southern California and participate in the alternate existence that is Chatsworth and Porn Valley? A few of my friends live in Seattle. It reminds me too much of my rainy home city of Manchester, in the UK, for me to enjoy living there, but it definitely seems to offer a lot culturally.

I grew up in Connecticut. I was working at a recording studio in New Haven and the owner decided to move it to Seattle, so I came out as well. I lived here 12 years, then moved to LA. I lived in LA full time, mostly on the West Side, by a few years in the Valley. I started visiting Seattle frequently, including shooting up here (Rodney Moore’s Northwest Pecker Trek).  Eventually I was spending more time back up here then in LA. I still keep a place in LA and go down there once a month or so to shoot, but mostly I’m in Seattle. It’s funny because I hate rain.

Interview: King of Creme - Rodney Moore

Speaking as the King of Creme, when did you realize that your jizz was more copious then most other folks? Was that the reason you got into the business in the first place? Like, some girl says, “Wow! You really cum a lot, you should be in the porn biz?” How did you start your baby steps in the adult entertainment business?

As for cum quantity, probably after I did my very first facial cumshot. I never noticed it before. It was ironic and fortunate since I had always been a big fan of facials in porn and so I decided if I was going to shoot my own movies, facials would be a huge part of it. So it was kind of a blessing. I never intended to get into the porn biz. Originally I just thought It might fun to shoot my own homemade porn movies, more to have to jerk off to myself than to sell, but I figured I might as well try to make a few bucks. But at the time, there was a demand for single amateur scenes from a handful of companies, so I started providing those companies with a steady supply of “amateur” scenes. The whole thing just snowballed from there.

You seem to still own your own catalog?  A lot of those old ones I saw years and years ago are still available on your web site, right? I’m sure that there may be other people like you, but I’m not really aware of them. How were you able to steer clear of not letting anybody else control your work?

I actually in my first few years I did sell a lot of titles to other companies. But I started retaining ownership about 15 years ago. OGV had about 120 of my titles when they went bankrupt, but I sued to get them back claiming that copyright had never been legally transferred in writing over to them, so after a long and costly legal battle, I won them all back.

Interview: King of Creme - Rodney Moore

So, you seem to be in control of your own destiny. Is that true?

Well, I don’t answer to anyone, so I guess yes.

The women seem a lot more relaxed and loosey-goosey on your shoots. Is that because you’re nicer?

Not to pat myself on the back, but I try to respect and treat with dignity everyone I shoot. I always ask the women what they actually enjoy doing and try to tailor the scene around that.  I never ask them to do anything that they don’t enjoy.  Except of course, if they don’t want to do a facial or swallow, and if that’s the case, they shouldn’t be in the business anyway.  Having them only do things they enjoy makes the scene more relaxed and pleasant for them and for me.

There’s a very, very beautiful woman who seems to be Anglo-Indian on some of your early shoots. You seem to have been a one-shot for her exclusively. You get a few of those, don’t you?

You’re talking about Nadia Nyce. We did 44 scenes together, then Ed Powers offered her $5,000 to do one scene with him, then after that she quit the business. That was way back in 1994-1995. 

Interview: King of Creme - Rodney Moore

There’s a simple innate honesty about your work that connects. Straight-up you love fat and hairy and ‘hippie’ girls and you treat them the same as others.  A lot of niche porn seems to dwell on the freaky-deaky aspect of it, but not you. Are you just a plain nice guy?

What can I say? I AM a nice guy.

You seem to get actresses like my personal favorites Olympia, Daejha Milan, Elizabeth Starr, Lauryl Canyon, and Queeny Love to be both incredibly sluttish and yet ‘sweeter’ in a way that most other directors don’t. Would you talk about wearing a director’s hat?

Again, I let them be who they are, what they enjoy. A lot of directors tell them they have to do this or that, have to moan and groan loudly, wail away while they have sex. I hate that. Most girls aren’t screaming out, FUCK ME FUCK ME at the top of their lungs when they have sex in their personal lives. I don’t’ want them to perform like porn stars. I want them to perform like they would if they’re with their boyfriends or lovers. I must jump on my soapbox right now.  Who on earth thinks it’s hot and sexy to have a girl spit on a cock?  Where did that come from?  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked with “experienced” porn girls in the last few years and had to stop at the beginning of a blowjob and tell them not to spit on my cock. Who likes that? I think it’s disgusting. Even worse than that is when guys spit on the women’s pussy.

Will you ever work with Wolf Savage again? Are the Cumm Brothers done?

Wolf actually is doing the updates daily on my web sites and lives up here in Seattle. He also runs camera on a lot of my shoots that aren’t POV. But he doesn’t seem to have any desire to get in front of the camera again.

Interview: King of Creme - Rodney Moore

Do you get recognized on the street much? Can that be disturbing?

Every once in a great while. But I think a lot of guys might recognize me but say nothing because they may not be sure or they may be with someone like a girlfriend and they don’t want to have to explain who I am and why they know me. I wouldn’t want to be recognized all the time. It can interrupt your daily life.

My wife wants to know if you eat a particular diet for the sake of your cum not tasting too salty?

I’ve heard pineapple is tasty… Of course, asparagus isn’t going to be too helpful.

Are you a tech guy? Do you follow up on many of the constant changes in vid production?

I was, I used to be.  I did a lot of special effects in my early days, I did get labeled a “pioneer” once by a rare reviewer in AVN [AVN: Adult Video News] who really understood what I was trying to do, but most of the reviewers would rather see a girl get slapped in the face than something innovative or creative.

I gave up out of frustration trying to evolve technically. I got to the point of saying, “why bother?”  The final straw was when I did a movie called Public Pop Shots where I went to great trouble to do facials and then have the girls walk around in public with cum on their faces.  I made certain that there were no cuts so no one could doubt that it was real cum. I’d usually shoot the pop shot in my van, then have them walk out of the van on the sidewalks.  But then AVN gave an “Editor’s Choice” award to a similar themed movie… however, that movie clearly was fake.  There’d be a weak cumshot indoors. Then a cut, then the scene would jump to the girl outside, with 3 times as much “cum” on her face as the actual cum shot, so clearly fake to anyone but an idiot. But AVN loved it, gave it an editor’s choice. My authentic Public Pop Shots movie was ignored. After that, I said, “Fuck it.”

Do you look up to anybody in the industry? Are you a fan of any directors?

There where a couple of people who inspired me when I first started, but I’m not going to mention their names for personal reasons. One guy who really helped me out when I first started out was Randy Detroit, and I’ve never forgotten that. I used to like Bukkake movies, but American directors ruined it. The Bukkakes done in Japan and Europe are almost like a rite of passage, the men don’t speak or say anything; it’s all about the women. It’s like they guys are there just to serve the women’s need to have that experience.  The American bukkakes are degrading to women by design, the guys yapping away like ignorant frat boys, no respect, the women just there to be cummed on for their pleasure.  Gross.

What do you watch and listen to when you’re not working? Got any favorite bands?

I’m a huge Beatles fan, early Beach Boys, Todd Rundgren, Laury Nyro. I don’t like much modern stuff, I liked Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream album, but I don’t like her newer stuff.  I love Curb Your Enthusiasm, my all time favorite show. Larry David is a genius.  I also like Sopranos, Dexter (except for the horrible conclusion), True Detective, the Office, Frasier, and the old black and white Andy Griffiths.  I was an early fan of Breaking Bad when no one knew what it was, and of course, I wrote the “Breaking Bad XXX” parody. I spend a lot of time now working on my music, trying to get back into that business.