Who doesn’t hate loud talkers on their cell phone? They suck and you don’t want to hear their conversations because they’re usually inane and boring. Well, Greg Benson has found a cure-all and it’s hilarious. Just sit next to them and chat on your cell but answer the questions they’re asking. It’s brilliant but the people he’s pranking on in the video aren’t talking that loud. In fact, they’re talking in the acceptable range of phone speak… hmmm.

Imagine, if you will, that you’re are tasked with creating a short film. But not just any short film, you have to use a cheapo camera. That’s what the challenge is in the Cheap Camera Challenge. Phillip Bloom, takes this task head on with the help of the Barbie Cam and makes a pretty awesome short flim.

What was the last Christmas song to become a hit? If you said “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey, you’re probably right. Now, remember the chatoulette versions of famous pop songs… mix those two together and you have the best Christmas present ever. Thank you Steve Kardynal for making this past holiday season all the more bright.

I am by no means a dancer. Well I am if you consider awkwardly flaling around dancing, then I’m Martha fucking Graham. I do love to watch dance though. It can be so evocotive. Watch this video if you to want to learn how to be a comtemporary dancer. You’ll wow your friends with your knowlege and your moves.

Pretty sure I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I love Star Trek, especially Star Trek: The Next Generation. Now that the series is being released on Blu-Ray, blooper reels are finding their way onto the Internet. I was laughing my way through them. My favorite part is Patrick Stewarts face. I can’t wait to be besties with him.

Memorinol: For when you’ve gone too far in fights with loved ones. Memorinal: For when you’ve made a mistake and want to forgot. Just don’t forget the kids. A great funny short film made by very talented people in Barcelona. Don’t worry, there are English subtitles.

Symmetry, a short film by Yann Pineill. As the title suggests, it explores the concept of symmetry. The second part of the film is only a rewind of the first half. You do see things that you may not have seen in the first go around. In a word… fascinating.

I saw Frozen recently and I loved it. Idina Menzel killed it, especially in “Let It Go.” Here, two adorable girls sing the song. They get so into the song and I love it. I most love that one of the girls wants to sing more than she wants to go poo-poo.

Sorry if i go bucking the trend here, but my final offering is an article. Yeah, an article! Don’t worry, there’s a trailer near the end of it. Anyways… James Franco is weird but he’s an artist. I actually really enjoy him all the way back from Freaks & Geeks. He’s made really interesting film to challenge hetero-normativity. Like I said, the trailer for the movie is towards the bottom of the article but it’s helpful to read the article and see why James wanted to make this film. It’s nice to see someone ready and willing to challenge societal norms. Click HERE for the article.

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