Things move on from our introduction to La Muschi, as our erotic journey begins in Part 2…
Distant footsteps approach. Running. A door swings open then slams shut. Greeted by a rather angry producer, La Muschi, panting (we all like a bit of panting, eh?) sits down, puts her headphones on and upon receiving the thumbs up begins to speak as the ‘on air’ light extinguishes.
‘Good morning guys,’ she says still breathless. PAUSE
Ok, wait, wait! Is this the way anyone would want to start the day? Rushing around? Look, in my experience if the alarm goes off and you’ve hit the snooze button twice, as soon as you bolt up in bed and realize you’re late, from that moment on you’re usually in for a bit of a disastrous day.
Let’s face it… mornings are tough (unless you wake up wrapped in the arms of the woman of your dreams… if she’s naked even sweeter). BUT, getting back to the point; Life is pacey enough, so too, where the ladies are concerned, unless it´s a quick adrenaline filled shag behind the bike shed that you’ve agreed on – you might need to slow things down!
You may or may not believe this, but some of us lesbians know exactly how it feels to wait for our girly girlfriends.
In the bathroom; body creams, often different creams for different parts. Hair drying, closely followed by hair straightening. Then there’s the make-up AND after that the dreaded fashion parade.
‘Yes darling, you look good in that.’
‘Ok, sorry, I meant great.’
‘No, no it doesn’t make you look fat.’
‘I think I preferred the first option.’ Big interior sigh here (don’t let on or she’ll never be ready).
‘That’s it! You look stunning.’
And all this just to go down to the bloody pub!
Well friends, we’ve got to be patient. Most ladies like to take it slow. Come on, you know that. They can shop for hours and hours (Zzzzz) and hours! But, if you want to win them over you just have to learn to wait. The ‘wham bam thank-you ma’am’ attack will probably relieve you boys of your heavy load, but it won’t always get those female juices flowing.
See, I can already sense that you’re dying to get to the secret garden section, but that’s just it. If you don´t seduce, lick, kiss, taste, suck and everything else that gets those knees wobbling, although you’ll be satisfied she will NOT. And so, the next time, that powerful testosterone driven muscle will have to suffice with that all too familiar hand yet again, as opposed to a much more moist destination.
Lesson one therefore is – Pace yourself.
So, you’ve finally got a pint in front of you and after a couple, you’ve got much more on your mind than chatting. Stop. Take a deep breath and listen. But really listen. Make her laugh (sex is always much better with someone you can laugh with). Start to seduce her slowly. Give her space, but above all, time. Tell her during the evening how good she looks. Make her feel like the hottest woman in the bar and, while you´re waiting, fantasize about her beautiful breasts, her legs spread wide open for you. Imagine her head back, eyes closed and her wet pussy waiting to be explored by you. Mmmm…
La Muschi stops to light a cigarette here.
Don’t worry guys, there will be moments where she’ll want you to strip her naked and take her fast, but more often than not girls prefer to get wet slowly and consequently, stay wet longer!