As I have stated before, sometimes kids movies have a wider appeal, and I am a sucker for cartoons… but The Lego Movie is so much more.

For starters it’s filmed to look stop-motion (although its cgi) but these touches are what make it stand out from an already toon-heavy market.

Now, though, for the serious business of the actual film…

Great vocal talent? Check. Will Ferrell is no stranger to animated comedy and here he delivers once again. Ok, so it might not be anything groundbreaking, but a script full of silly jokes, puns and the odd innuendo, combined with his ability to put on a silly voice, this will always be a recipe for success.

The Lego Movie

Scene stealer? Will Arnett as the gravel voiced, butch superhero (and master builder) Batman. Oh yes! Batman may answer a few questions to what’s behind the cowl in this movie, but perhaps he is not the hero that is needed, this time.

Elizabeth Banks, who with The Hunger Games franchise is riding high in Hollywood at the moment, is a genuinely funny actor who can bring pathos to even a caricature… and the sassy Wyldstyle is no exception.

Plot? Ok it’s a kids film about an everyman who becomes a hero one way or another, so, yeah, it is a bit clichéd… but for the seasoned viewer the nods to films like The Matrix will have you rolling in the aisles, and any film where Batman jumps aboard The Millennium Falcon to party with Han Solo and Chewy is never going to fail.

Soundtrack? It’s a parody people! Thus just the one, repetitive (albeit played in several styles) pop song, utilized perfectly, “Everything is Awesome”. And it really is.

I don’t want to dissect the plot in any way at all, as much of it exists to fulfill the smarter gags as well as move the basic story along.

What I would say is this; if you like lighthearted movies, comedy, pastiche, gentle praise, cartoons, a great comic cast and a not so subtle elbow in the ribs type of fun, this is really for you.