This week heralded the birth of a friend’s twins. It’s the first birth that has come from within my friendship group, and what has been the resounding feeling amongst all those who have visited their small house hence the birth is unbridled joy.
Step foot out of that house and the UK couldn’t be any gloomier if it were raining Nazis who opened fire indiscriminately as soon as they hit the ground.
I made my way home through the drizzle and bullets, and began thinking about the kind of England that these two girls would grow up in, and what the future would hold for them.
For the most part I grew up in the dizzying hope of Blair’s Britain, and was just about old enough to see my mates being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan to shoot terrorism right in his face. I still find it hard to believe that the Afghan conflict has been constant for 14 years, and that it was April 9, 2003, when the Saddam Hussein statues was toppled.

With the election rumbling like a thunderstorm just beyond the horizon, I couldn’t help but think of the political landscape that will inform their environment.
With great reticence I came to the conclusion that these innocent children will most likely grow up as David Cameron’s children, or, worse yet, of Cameron and of the United Kingdom Independence Party’s (UKIP) Nigel Farage.
Shamefully, I was naïve enough to vote for the Liberal Democrats in the last election, however I feel as though this is a mistake that few will make again. Their leader, Nick Clegg, is finished, so too are the Lib Dems for at least another generation.
Labour’s leader is Ed Miliband, a man so devoid of charisma that his breathe would not make condensation on a pane of glass on a sub zero December evening in Grimsby. To see him bumbling his way through any kind of interaction feels like listening to a child who has just recovered from a crying fit. Quite how he has gone so far is perhaps as bigger indictment of modern politics than any other.
For me the Tories will undoubtedly win the next election by default, yet not by a majority, which would theoretically pave the way for UKIP, and politically speaking would make a lot more sense than the current coalition.
The baby boomers carry with them an unshakable guilt in that they either allowed Margaret Thatcher to happen, or that they did not do enough to stop her from happening.
In the years to come, when the NHS falls, the libraries close, the national parks are privatized, and ministers continue to regulate their own expenses, we will meekly offer the excuse that there was no legitimate alternative. No political party you could look in the eye and believe in.