Hollywood has something of a reputation for creating sequels. The general trend is that each successor is somewhat duller than the last, but in this instance things just keep on becoming more and more interesting.

Dubbed ‘The Fappening’ and already the recipient of a force 12 media storm (that’s a “hurricane” for you non-meteorologists out there), the third release in this increasingly tempestuous series made its debut on Friday night.

As per usual, users of 4chan and Reddit were made privy to the latest photos first. As well as even more of Jennifer Lawrence (who has she pissed off?!), users were treated to salacious snaps of model Cara Delevigne, Twilight actress Anna Kendrick and Olympic gold medallist Misty May-Treanor.

The Fappening III: The Saga Continues

The photos of Kendrick are all fully-clothed, and mainly show her in social situations. The issue appears to have moved beyond the realm of embarrassment and ‘revenge porn’ and into the even murkier waters of general privacy.

Media attention over the last week zeroed in on the website EmmaYouAreNext.com, which stated that explicit snaps of the Harry Potter actress would soon be made public. In a bizarre case of double and triple bluff, the site was nothing but a hoax, appearing to call for 4chan to be shut down yet was probably still helmed by people associated with the leakers.

This is all getting very complicated now. Apple, while basking in the glow of their successful iPhone 6 launch (#bendgate aside), must shoulder some of the blame as it was their iCloud service that was breached.

Myriad questions hang over this issue. Is this just part three with a lot more to come? Who else will soon be exposed against their will? How many agents are receiving millions of frantic phone calls right now?

Most importantly of all… do you still crave fame now?

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