Sometimes I don’t know whether to apologize or be proud of all these things I find on the web for you lot! Today, a video that comes from the country where the weirder it is, the more chances are it’ll be in one of their TV shows – Japan.

So a little bit of a background on the show. It’ a small segment of a late night Japanese TV show called “Orgasm Wars”. In it a gay man has to make a straight man cum. This time around the contestants were Japanese porn star Ryou Sawai and his opponent Takuya a gay man who owns a bar called “Cholesterol”. Takuya has 40 minutes to get Ryou to orgasm.

It’s all very formal and yet naughty and I applaud Ryou and Takuya for being such troopers. Right from the uber polite bowing and exchange of business cards to the ‘trash-talking’ and finally the blow by blow (whoops!) explanation that Takuya gives as he blows.


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