I hate to assume things, but as a fellow BaDoink user, my guess is, most of you readers are no strangers to a little visual aid when it comes to fantasizing that certain areas of your life were a little different. Often we look for exciting things; a rush that our everyday lifestyle is not necessarily accustomed to. But what about the simple things? What if your life is already a chaotic overload of work, family, debt, and responsibilities? What if all you truly desire is some peace of mind, but skipping town is not a realistic possibility without major consequences? Well, Cabin Porn may just be for you.

In spite of its suggestive name, you will not find any nudity here, it’s completely suitable for work. What you will find are pictures of cabins. A lot of them. Mostly user-submitted and generally with a short caption that tells us the location or brief history of the place. Basically, Cabin Porn just offers you a series of amazing shots of simple and secluded cabins in beautiful surroundings; nothing more. And it couldn’t be more perfect.
Like many cool online things, I discovered Cabin Porn a couple of years after its initial hype. Such is the life of a non-Facebook user. So, some of you might be saying, “Dude, did you really just find out about this now? I’ve been looking at cabins online since 2011. I’ve even submitted four!” Well, good for you, condescending reader of my imagination. I just found this last weekend and I’m fascinated by it.

As a city person, I like dreaming about a simpler life in nature. I doubt I will ever live in the wilderness, but the idea of a cabin represents that self-reliant condition that so many men like me wish we had; an old-school real man lifestyle; living off the land; using our hands to survive; the simplest DIY format there is. Sometimes we tend to look at civilization the way we know it as a cushiony situation. Too many comforts have led to man-created problems. A lot of our worries are not life-or-death, and would be considered quite frivolous by the simpler, hard-working men some of us wish we were more like.
Of course, grass is always greener, right? Chances are if I were in one of those cabins, I’d be fantasizing about the feeling of unfrozen balls, convenient urban shopping and an Internet connection that would allow me to watch, well, actual porn.
But while we’re here, let’s all marvel at the beauty and simplicity and daydream away.