Well this looks like it could be a useful if rather unusual way of waking yourself up in the morning. We’re all used to the alarm clock on the phone – in fact I’m sure almost everyone reading this article right now uses their alarm clock on their mobile phones to wake up.
Some need it more than others. If you’re in the group of people that needs a forklift to get you out of bed, then perhaps the solution to your problem is Wakie, the social alarm clock. The premise is simple, if you can’t wake up with your normal alarm, then Wakie will get someone to wake you – that someone being a complete stranger.
Wakie is not the first version of the app. The first being the Russian version called Budist, which gained a big following in the Soviet nation. Over 1.5 million users have placed over 30 million calls. Wakie just happens to be the international version of the app.
So how does it work? Simple, you sign up with your mobile phone number – but don’t worry, Wakie promises that your number will remain ‘safe and anonymous’. You can pick to be a Wakie (the person doing the calling) or Sleepyheads (well… you get it). In order to be woken up, just set an alarm through the app and sleep in peace knowing that when the time comes, a person of a similar age and of the opposite gender will be calling to wake you – so a person doesn’t have to spend the night with you to hear your morning voice.
Calls last for a minute, and cuts off after and your phone number will remain anonymous. If there aren’t any Wakies available to wake you, then your regular alarm will ring, so you’ll still wake up, it’s just not as fun.
If you’re a Wakie, then you’ll see how many Sleepyheads need waking and offer to wake them by clicking “Wake someone up”.
It’s all very simple, but also sounds like a weird heterosexual dating app mixed up in a alarm app. I suppose if you’re interested in the person waking you (or that you’re waking up) then you had better get their number before the one-minute cut-off mark. Either way, it’s taken Russia by storm, why not the rest of the world?
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