There’s a whole pile of drugs out there other than the usual suspects; some of them you know, others are just nuts. Nutmegs in fact!
1. Nutmeg
This common kitchen spice is actually a super crazy hallucinogen with many terrible side effects, both mental and physical.
2. Human Growth Hormone
It’ll make parts of your body swell crazily, leaving you looking like the Bond villain Jaws (dude actually had acromegaly).
3. Rimonabantyeah
Created as a counterdrug to marijuana, it takes away the munchies but leaves the user super sad and tending toward suicidal.
4. 24-Dinitrophenol
DNP allows you to eat all the food you want, but turns your body into a hellish oven, burning your insides to fatal results.
5. Krokodil
It may seem like heroin, but it’ll actually turn you into a writing, reptilian-skinned husk of sadness.
6. Carbogen
Carbon dioxide and oxygen mixed together in a weirdly chill, gassy cocktail.
7. Ayahuasca
Produced from a South American vine, this ridiculous hallucinogen will also make you explode from both ends (but apparently Courtney Love digs it).
8. Benzo Fury
It’s for research, so even though people have died from this hallucinogen, it’s strangely legal.
9. Diisopropyltryptamine
It’s an hallucinogen that makes your sense of hearing all whacked out. Music lovers rejoice!
10. Anafranil
It induces an orgasm every time you yawn? I have a hard time believing it, but weird and awesome!