In the future, people will ask, ‘Do you remember what you were doing… the day Facebook was off for, like, 15 minutes?’ For a quarter of an hour, on Thursday June 19, 2014, the world was suddenly a colder, lonelier place… a quarter of an hour that seemingly stretched into an eternity. Somewhere in the universe, a tiny virtual butterfly had flapped its gossamer binary code wings and unleashed a catastrophe – YES, a CATASTROPHE! – on a poor, unsuspecting social-networked global populace. The horror… THE HORROR!
So, okay, fine, Facebook did eventually come back and through eyes misted with tears we sat back at our screens, pulling ourselves away from the embraces of colleagues, fellow public transport travelers and partners, away from the awful embarrassment of actual, physical human contact and back to the welcoming safety and anonymity of Zuckerland. And although it may have only been 15 minutes, 20 tops, and everything seems calm again now, what the holistic consequences that wave of worldwide frustration will eventually have on the planet’s psychology only time will tell. I suspect war. In Hawaii.
Verily, the butterfly doth continue to flit chaos upon us all.
In the meantime… here’s a bunch of #facebookdown funny tweets!
Help needed: Is there another website to find out which Game of Thrones character people from my primary school are? #facebookdown
— James Martin (@Pundamentalism) June 19, 2014
I imagine millions wandering in aimless post-apocalyptic shock desperately searching for friends and family #Facebookdown #FacebookBackUp
— mark little (@marklittlenews) June 19, 2014
Breaking News: #Facebook crash forces public to resort to traditional stalking methods. #facebookdown
— The Sauce (@theSauce) June 19, 2014
Thank God Twitter is working so we can find out what's wrong with Facebook #facebookisdown #facebookdown
— Suzanne Carbone (@SuzanneCarbone) June 19, 2014
How will I find out what people are having for breakfast??? #facebookdown
— Bennett Arron (@BennettArron) June 19, 2014
Okay, it's been about four minutes now and I can't handle it anymore. #facebookdown
— Thom Rylance (@thomrylance) June 19, 2014
Looks like #Facebook is having a BREAK right now. Have a BREAK, too! 🙂 #facebookdown
— Nestle KitKat PH (@kitkat_ph) June 19, 2014
Yes, @facebook is down. Write your status updates on the nearest wall if you must, but no one panic and go back to Myspace! #facebookdown
— Kitta (@Kitta) June 19, 2014
Cannibal gangs of raving Facebook apocalypse survivors are already roaming Twitter, hopelessly. #facebookdown
— HuffPostUKTech (@HuffPostUKTech) June 19, 2014