Just when you thought the internet was the best thing, women’s lifestyle magazine The Frisky made it even betteras the adult entertainment behemoth James Deen has been added to the magazine’s staff as an advice columnist. Rejoice, internet, rejoice.
Readers interested in seeing what the star has to say on any number of subjects can now email WhatWouldJamesDo@TheFrisky.com. Columns are to be published once a week under the name, “What Would James Deen Do,” and topics will range from sex to all sorts of other themes, depending on what inspires the performer/director/producer/sex icon.
Before Deen’s placement in the magazine as a columnist, Editor-in-Chief Amelia McDonnell-Pary interviewed the adult superstar, and commented that one chat with the man wasn’t enough.
“We needed more,” she said in a press release. “James is a straight shooter, confident in his opinions – he doesn’t like pizza, you guys – but upfront when he doesn’t have all the answers. He doesn’t mince words, is sharp but thoughtful, and, most importantly, is both nonjudgmental and interested in a wide variety of topics, both sexual and non.” According to the editor, she wanted to text Deen for advice on several occasions and thus the soon-to-be most-read internet thing was born.
“I am committed and totally unqualified, so let’s do this!” stated Deen, his enthusiasm definitely a promise of some excellently fun writing in the columns to come.
Deen is a good many things and adding ‘columnist’ to his sterling list of credits is powerful move. It will be a space for readers to get to know what’s behind the thousands of video credits and more recent crossover success. Appearing in mainstream media – not long ago he was a guest on the show Happyish – has definitely garnered Deen a multi-dimensionality but having a written voice is an interesting step. Having read columns by other performers in adult media, I can safely say that more voices from said world definitely add weight to the conversation.
Deen himself commented in his Q&A with McDonnell-Pary alluding to how little he’s actually expressed himself before the birth of the advice column. In the interview, Deen says to the writer, “You don’t know me, you just know what my penis looks like!”
Here’s hoping that’s the kind of honest humor and commentary to expect from a James Deen column. We can’t wait for the internet to explode even more. Leave it up to Deen to solve every problem ever.
For all things James Deen, check out his production house, professional website, and online store, where you can buy WWJDD style swag to sport in your hipster offices. And enjoy the fine words of Deens new writing home, the extra sexy sex section of The Frisky. God bless the internet, each and every tube.