It was Tax Day this week in the US – April 15th to be precise – the day when individual income tax returns are due to the federal government. Let’s hear a big ol’ ‘Booooooooooo!’ Obviously, nobody really wants to pay their taxes, at least not while big corporations get away without doing it, so someone always has an excuse to get out of it. Here are some of the best #TaxDayExcuses tweets. Just for a laugh…
#TaxDayExcuses I am not the taxpayer you are looking for… Move along… @midnight
— Lucas Bramell (@Skywalker5262) April 17, 2014
I was going to pay off some student loan debt but everything at Best Buy seemed like a better investment. #TaxDayExcuses
— Crissy (@CrissyPoet) April 17, 2014
@iDarwinReject Luckily I don’t have to file this year, Alcohol is claiming me as a dependent. #taxdayexcuses @midnight – HAHA! :))
— The Party Nut (@ThePartyNut) April 17, 2014
#TaxDayExcuses b-b-b but Wesley Snipes said I don’t have to!
— Imtiaz Muslim (@imty888) April 17, 2014
#TaxDayExcuses What do you mean “Coffee is not deductable” No Coffee and i would never get to work!
— Jack (@bjal1234) April 17, 2014
My religion forbids me from paying taxes to a government which engages in commemorative stamps. #taxdayexcuses @midnight
— Guy Branum (@guybranum) April 17, 2014
I got paid in bitcoins @midnight #taxdayexcuses
— EdSalazar (@EdASalazar) April 17, 2014
#taxdayexcuses “I’m good for it, a Lannister always pays his debts”
— Arya Stark (@TheAryaStark) April 17, 2014
#TaxDayExcuses The rapture’s totally gonna come, right? @midnight
— Hana (@HanaMichels) April 17, 2014
The Titanic sank April 15th. I was onboard that. @midnight #TaxDayExcuses
— Emily Galati (@emilygalati) April 17, 2014