Oh Tinder, you have brought out the best and worst in men. Where in the past sleazy messages sent unsolicited in dating sites was the price women had to ‘pay’ for being on the sites, now even when there is a mutual ‘like’ from both sides and a high chance of actually meeting, men still can’t get the hint and send the worst opening lines. Not all are bad or sleazy though, some are downright funny or just crazy. We’ve collected some of the best/worst/funny Tinder conversations for your viewing pleasure thanks to TinderLines:
When her comeback to your sleazy comment is a Win!
When you’re really striking out
When it’s a sleazy/cheesy combo and you’re not sure what to do
When you’re trying to sound funny but come off as weird instead
When it could be an actual match
When it was the accidental like 🙁
When it’s time to get back to the real world and give porn a break
Honestly, please don’t be as clueless as the guy above. What about you, what has been your best opening line on Tinder?