Thanks all you news sites for your continued coverage of other news sites really mucking up this story. What tragic fun!
1 – It fell into a black hole! Because that is completely and utterly possible!?
2 -There was another plane in the mix!
3 – The flight turned into a whole bunch of ghosts or zombies!
4 – Something about Ed Snowden being on the plane!
5 – Obviously, an alien abduction!
6 – The flight was abducted by not aliens but North Korea and is in Pyongyang.
7 – Because cell phones of those lost are still ringing, passengers are alive as of yet.
8 – Harry Potter’s Invisibility Cloak (not really, but the invisibility thing was discussed.)
9 – Courtney Love beat out all the scientists and analysts and found the missing flight herself!
10 – Then there’s the folks who think it’s all a stunt to promote a new Lost type series.