So it’s Thanksgiving soon and we’re in a ‘giving’ mood. Because we’re so nice and looking out for your pleasure and all. It is after all our mission to make sure you hit your orgasm quota for the month (that’s a thing right?).
Seeing that Thanksgiving is usually the time that we end up eating in excess, we here at BaDoink figured why wait for the last Thursday of the month? And why does it have to be food? Yeah, that’s right, we want you to experience the pleasures of this world, in the form of orgasms. Boom!
So, starting Sunday November 16, we’ll be counting down our 12 Days to Thanksgiving by reviewing the awesome products listed below… and yes, we understand that means we will be experiencing most of the pleasure, but wait! You know we don’t roll like that at BaDoink. We’ve got you some special #CyberSexMonday deals so you too can experience the pleasures of the toys below.
What is CyberSexMonday? Well, it’s just like Cyber Monday, but you know… with sex. Check back here on December 1, when we unlock all the deals. In no time at all you’ll be playing with yourself (ha-ha!), with your partner, or partners (you lucky dawg).
Give thanks! Amen.
These little babies look good enough to eat! Just unwrap each egg for a good time! The perfect travel toy – easy to use and you don’t have to worry about bringing it back.

Deal Unlocking Code: BDOINK
This delicious, newly released, all-inclusive toy is something that has got Lola jumping! The Transformer bends every which way, can be twisted, inserted, wrapped around and vibrates on both ends. Its uses are limited only by your imagination.
The Original Vacuum CUP takes it’s suction so seriously, it’s got ‘vacuum’ in its name. Your right hand might be your best friend, but it won’t provide the sublime tightness that Tenga’s Original Vacuum CUP will provide.
This futuristic looking vibrator is definitely the future of sex. Tiny finger vibrators allows for more natural stroking and movement. Does it work as well as it looks? Find out later.
Awww yeah, this looks fierce! With a name like some futuristic Dothraki warrior, we expect that it will not disappoint. Does it live up to its name? You’ll see.
Deal Unlocking Code: BADOINK
We know you want some pleasure but don’t want the hassle of having a big, massive cleanup. Well, Tenga’s 3D-Spiral has got you covered. Just flip it over, wash it and dry it out. Three simple steps.
Need a little bit of fun during that boring meeting? Pop this baby in, sit back and enjoy the show. No one will know why you’ve got that grin on your face but you.
Deal Unlocking Code: BDOINK
Finally a male stimulator that can also be used with your partner. You bet your ass we were all over that. The more the merrier eh?
And finally we have the grandaddy of mastubatory devices. “Blanket yourself in the delicate bliss of these gentle details,” is what Tenga asks you to do. And we complied. We complied hard.