Oh nipples, little nubs of flesh above big, small, bouncy (etc.) boobies. For some it’s a no-go zone. For others, yes touch it, and keep on touching. Whatever it is, we all have them. For most men, their nipples are just little pieces of meat that protrude outside their areolae; touch them or not, makes no difference to them. But female nipples are slightly different. Not only are they like little nozzles whence milk comes from to feed babies, they are so much more…
Nipple orgasms are a real thing
Yes, some women can experience a full-blown orgasm just by nipple stimulation alone. Yes, go ahead, I’ll wait here while your mind is blown. So yeah, not only do we have vaginal orgasm and clitoral orgasm, now we can add nipple orgasm to the list. But just like the other types of orgasm, not all women can experience nipple orgasms. How does it happen? Turns out stimulating the nipples of some women activates the area of the brain known as genital sensory cortex and which is the same area that gets activated while stimulating the clitoris. So essentially a woman’s brain processes nipple stimulation the same way it does clitoral stimulation and BAM! Orgasm. Pretty brilliant.
The common misconception is that an erect set of nipples is an indication that a woman is sexually aroused. While erect nipples definitely draw attention, this is a false notion. Nipples become erect for many reasons – many of which are not sexual in nature. Cold? BAM! Erect nipples. Your clothes rub against them? Erect nipples! Sometimes, she might be sexually aroused and her nipples may not become erect. So yeah, them nipples will behave any damn way they please. The point is, don’t use erect nipples as a sign that she’s down to get it on!
They’re all different
Adolescent boys (and maybe some men) – getting their cues mostly from porn and Photoshopped porn stars in magazines – might not realize that every woman’s nipple is different. Some can have pink areolas, some brown, and some dark brown. Some even black. A whole scale of colors. Women have little bumps on their areolas – a product of their Montgomery glands. We also have hair growing around our nipples. No it isn’t abnormal. It is the most normal, natural thing in the world.
Innies vs. Outties
I know that ‘outtie’ nipples seem to be the norm, but inverted nipples are fairly common – 10 to 20 percent of women have them. It’s caused by shorter-than-usual milk-bearing ducts in the breast. It’s nothing that is a health risk, but might be a bit of a problem during breastfeeding.
The third wheel
Ah yes, the third nipple, the butt of jokes in countless comedies. Fortunately it isn’t that uncommon, both men and women get them. 1 in 18 men and 1 in 50 women have extra nipples. There are ways to get rid of them, but if it doesn’t bother you, then might as well see if this extra nipple is as sensitive as your regular ones and try and give yourself a nipple orgasm!