Nobody can do it

The idea of female ejaculation being fake or impossible is actually a pretty new one. Kama Sutra not only acknowledges squirting, but also honors it as a natural, critical, and beautiful part of sex. But modern science sees it differently. Doctors basically claimed all this squirting was really just “peeing during sex,” so what was previously a celebrated aspect of sexuality became a medical condition.


In the mid-1900s, a German gynecologist named Ernst Gräfenberg began to explore the urethra and urethral sponge as erogenous zones, and published papers documenting the existence of female ejaculation. Unfortunately, Gräfenberg’s findings were not taken seriously enough, and, for several decades, sex researchers remained completely unconvinced that female ejaculation was legit.

In the 1980s, sexologists Beverly Whipple and John Perry focused their research primarily on the part of the urethral sponge that can be felt through the vaginal wall and its role in orgasm and ejaculation. They christened this now-famous zone the “G-spot” or “Gräfenberg spot,” after Ernst Grafänberg, and noted that stimulation of the G-spot sometimes resulted in ejaculation and orgasm. They published their findings, including documentation of the vulva’s ability to ejaculate, in their popular book The G-spot: And Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality.

Exploring sexual pleasure hasn’t exactly been a number one priority in the scientific community, especially for women. Squirting is real — and anybody who has experienced female ejaculation can confirm that.

Everybody can do it

Research hasn’t been able to determine if all vulvas actually are capable of ejaculation, but there have been some thoughts about what makes it easier for some than for others. Some people’s Skene’s glands (what produces ejaculate) may be smaller or less active than others, or there might be scar tissue blocking the ducts. Some may hold it back because they think they’re going to pee. Others may not have ever had their urethral sponge stimulated enough (or in the necessary way) to produce ejaculate. More research is needed.


Some women involuntarily ejaculate every time or nearly every time they have sex, while others have to try special techniques. And, some don’t squirt at all. If you want to explore squirting, then you probably should —I’m sure the research must be incredibly fun. But without putting too much pressure on yourself or your partners. Some people squirt, some don’t, and that’s all normal — the only thing that matters is that everyone’s having a good time. You should never be made to feel inadequate because you can’t do it. And, conversely, you should never be made to feel weird if you can do it.

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