I’ve always assumed that sluts are the best lovers.
Start with the high school slut; she’s promiscuous, fun and probably enjoys sex, even if she’s in it for the wrong reasons. This girl figured out early on that sex is great. She’s likely easily turned, likes the attention and though she might have some hefty family issues going on which propel her towards sexuality, she’s probably a perfect person to work out teen sexuality with. Love her!
The slut in her twenties may have been the high school slut or she may be newly initiated into the wonderful world of sex as a result of leaving home and being on her own for the first time. Maybe she came from an overly protective family and is just now realizing all the possibilities that exist outside of the nest. Whatever the case, the slut in her twenties is a perfectly ripened fruit that should be savored and delighted in as such.
The slut in her thirties is the most dangerous of the lot. It’s possible that she may be looking to settle down in which case it would be best to nail the slut and settle her down or take the extraordinary sex and then run for the hills. Taming the slut can be a very rewarding feat. If you can do this, you might be one of the few who have a fulfilling sex life after a few years of marriage.
The divorcee slut is starving for sex. She needs to feel vital and excited and attractive. Like a wild animal, she is among the hottest catches to be had. And if you’re not looking for anything serious, she might not be either. Yet.
I was in fact the high school slut, the slut in my twenties and the tamed slut in my thirties. I was the divorcee slut and now, in my forties I’m the settled slut who is entirely focused on my family. I am now a faithful slut to my lucky husband.
Seek out the sluts! Love the sluts! Fuck the sluts! Marry the sluts!
Take advantage of the fact that there are woman who love sex and know how to have it!