Not long ago I had a lover. He smelled so good when he first approached me and offered me a gin and tonic. It seemed more than just cologne; I could smell his natural odor underneath. I honestly wanted to lick him all over. However, when I got him home, every time I took an item of his clothes off, his odor changed. In the end I couldn’t take it anymore. It was, it turned out, simply bad hygiene. I’m not into that; it’s not one of my things. So guys, please, a word of advice… have a shower, especially if you are planning a booty call.
The beginning of a relationship is intense. Both partners feel that intensity in their own way. I have certainly given myself over instantly on occasion, thinking the guy felt the same, only to be disappointed. That can definitely be frustrating. Happily, there’s always more than one man in the world. All I have to do is pick up a phone and… Booty call! A guy can be there in half an hour if he knows he’s going to get some. I know what I what and I can always get it. Satisfaction!
Booty calls are great. I’m a fan, but never with the same person. No, that could be dangerous. It spoils the magic of a booty call, for me, to have it potentially become a relationship. I don’t want that. I have my rules when it comes to booty calls. Less talking means more imagination. More imagination is more excitement. The less I know about the person the easier I flow through them.
Of course, you need freedom to explore. I came across a man who believed sex was about giving orders. No, thank you. At work I have a boss. In bed I have a partner. That’s symbiosis. Otherwise it could get boring. And nobody wants that. That’s why sexual chemistry is so important. There is nothing without it. And yes, passion fades over time but if we keep the sparks alive, we will be rewarded for it. If the sparks disappear, sex may turn into a selfish game… and a selfish lover is the worst kind of lover.
One time booty calls ensure you don’t get trapped in those sorts of circles.
Masturbation is great, of course… But nothing beats sex; intimate, physical contact with another human being does it for me every time. So, if I don’t happen to have a partner when I’m feeling the need, then I’ll make that booty call. Surely that’s what phones were invented for.