If you feel like your privilege is going unused and that’s unfair, well fret no more because this new fake app will help you make some quick cash off of your privilege – be it racial, gender-based or socioeconomic.
The good folks at WellDeserved knew that merely being acknowledged for your privilege is not enough. One must also be able to monetize and flaunt it. So they came up with this wonderfully simple app that allows you to use your privilege, so not only do you get some quick cash, you also get to feel benevolent by sharing with others – temporarily of course.
This awesome (fictional) app was the winner of last month’s Comedy Hack Day held in San Francisco and organized by creative agency Cultivated Wit. Contestants were challenged to come with a comedic app idea and pitch it to judges, all within 48 hours. A twist on the regular 48 Hour Film Project?
Using WellDeserved is pretty simple whether you’re someone who wants the privilege or is putting yours to good use. If you are privileged, then put your goods up for sharing. Don’t worry no one will be able to take your privilege away from you. It’s all temporary. So breathe a sigh of relief. You can set the price you’re willing to share your privilege and if someone wants to use that privilege, they just click, “Expect It”
As someone who needs a little privilege in your life, you get to choose from a wonderful medley. Do you need to hail a cab but you’re a person of color? Get a white person to hail it for you for only $5. Are you a woman in need of a man to walk with you so you don’t get harassed on the streets? That’s there too. How about if you’re a woman who needs to get credit for her own idea? Fear not, there’s a man there who will let you do so. Just click “Expect it!” and experience privilege like never before.