Hey there folks! It’s that time again for my top ten YouTube videos! (Silence) Is this thing on? Ok, I’ll just get right to it. In no particular order…

I adore Amy Sedaris. I think she’s one of the funniest ladies around and I wish I saw her more regularly on TV. I met her once at a book signing in NYC. She told me to give the gift of salami to my stepmom for Chanukah. Genius. Anyway, here she gives David Lettermen a tour of her West Village neighborhood. Gems include the titles of movies from some of the porn shops around her house.

I’m surprised. I’ve never seen a video like this before. Jason Sudeikis plays an American football coach going over to England to coach a football team, but it’s soccer and it’s hilarious.

I know you shouldn’t judge a book (or in this case a movie) by its cover (or trailer) but I have to say this movie looks awesome. Ben Stiller, Kristin Wiig, Sean Penn and my boyfriend, Adam Scott (not actually my boyfriend), star in this seemingly epic movie about a man’s life. This is based on a short story from the late 1930’s. It’ll be so interesting to see Ben Stiller in a more serious part.

Who doesn’t love a racist cat? A friend of mine showed it to me and I laughed really hard. I think they’ve CGI-ed the mouth, eyes, and ears. These guys have amazing effects in their videos.

The cutest song about making bacon pancakes. Food can bring us all together. So share a bacon pancake with a friend today, unless they keep kosher. Then stay the hell away with your unclean meat.

I’m just not really sure what to make of this. It’s been popping up on my newsfeed for the last couple of days and I finally got around to watching it. You just can’t take it seriously. It’s a laugh. I approve and I asked myself “What sound do foxes make?”

Monty Python. Biggus Dickus. The 12-year old in me just laughs his ass off.

British comedy group, WitTank is at it again with this promo for a show on the BBC. As I was a drama student, I very much like the play on the “drama teacher”. I think we’ve all had teacher with a screw or more loose.

A quick and jaunty geographical and historical lesson on the difference between The UK, Great Britain and England… but wait there’s more! You’ll also learn about the Commonwealth of the former British Empire.

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