kim_kardashian-breaks the internet

Kim Kardashian West pledged to “break the internet” and with her latest publicity stunt she may just achieve her goal.

The LA-born socialite, model, personality and…*cough*…actress has made a long and lucrative career from flaunting her fantastic body. This latest series of photos for Paper Magazine might just be her most famous yet.

But it’s not just the celeb-watchers and fashion vultures who are loving Mrs Kardashian West’s curvy, shiny ass. Twitter users, true to form, have spent the past few hours concocting a whole host of fantastic parodies of the photo.

Kim Kardashian Breaks The Internet

For those of you who aren’t interested in seeing this beautiful backside, you may as well log off for now because it’s all anyone is going to be talking about for the next few days.







Seen a good parody? Done your own? Let us know in the comments below!