If you’ve ever had any kind of anger issues, chances are you’ve found yourself yelling at inanimate objects sometime in your life. While people with less aggressive coping skills might think it’s a pointless exercise, it’s an understandable way to channel that anger towards its immediate source instead of taking it out on someone in the heat of the moment; we just give that object human qualities that allow us to attribute the blame to something tangible and release the tension that got us there in the first place.
Of course, those people who seem to have their shit together might still argue there’s no real purpose to your outburst and nothing can be gained from yelling at this thing. That is unless someone makes it useful.
We’ve all been there: We’re in the middle of an important call and our cell phone battery runs out. Feeling powerless, we unleash our frustration on the phone. Our more calmed friend says, “Shouting at it is not going to fix it, you know?”
Well, guess what, annoying righteous friend of my example, this time it does!
Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London, in a joint effort with mobile giant Nokia, have developed a new technology that lets you charge your phone with sound.
That’s right. No more looking for wall-sockets to plug your charger; you just gotta make sure it’s noisy enough around the phone.
Naturally, sound in general will activate the battery charge, and it’s far from limited to shouting, but let’s be frank, what’s the first sound possibility that comes to mind when your battery dies on you?
Having said that, it’s extremely convenient for crowded places where having a working phone could solve a lot of problems. Now you can enjoy music festivals with a charged phone without having to even think about it, just enjoying the experience.
The way this works is by turning kinetic energy – the one created by motion – into electrical energy. The sound received causes vibrations that are converted into electricity using Zinc Oxide, a piezoelectric material that can be coated on to most surfaces. The researchers explained, “when this surface is squashed or bent, the nanorods then generate a high voltage. This means they respond to vibration and movement created by everyday sound – e.g. our voices. If you then put electrical contacts on both sides of the rods you can use the voltage they generate to charge a phone.”
You can check out more about the whole experiment on the video below: