Bring A Plate made me question myself. It’s not because the issues they mull over are thought provoking or that they play hosts to esteemed guests with skyrocketing IQs. Oh no, quite the opposite in fact.
As I have mentioned before, podcasts stir strange emotions in me, ones of admiration and ultimately obsession. Having someone speak into my ear for hours on end about often-personal issues, makes me ever so slightly fall in love with the host pretty much every time. Bring A Plate was no exception. The questions however rose from which of the hosts I would creepily obsess over, Rebecca Shaw or Peter Taggart – both rising stars of Twitter world, thanks to their ways with small amounts of words.
As with most podcasts, it took Bring A Plate a little while to come into it’s own, jumping from scripted pieces to more just the ramblings of two people who love offending each other, which is what they do best.
Delight in the nostalgia as Pete and Bec review movies from the 90s that no one cares about anymore, like Can’t Hardly Wait, Fear and I Know What You Did Last Summer. You’ll be surprised at how much you remember from these movies that generally contained a terrible story line and, more often than not, Jennifer Love Hewitt and her fantastic breasts.
Whet your appetite for sexual equality with the lesbian news segment or wet your pants a little as our hosts discuss social etiquette and tales of their upbringing in hilarious rendition.
“That was the camp in which I was shamed because I still didn’t have pubic hair on my balls. And still don’t…
“Wait, why was everyone looking at your balls?”
“I don’t know, everyone got their balls out. Camp was always very homoerotic”
“A French woman has been dubbed as the female Hannibal Lecter after killing her husband and cooking his heart, nose, lungs and genitals in a pot… Don’t you just love one pot cooking?”
Bring A Plate is quippy and intensely bitchy, and I hope there’s more to come.