Rihanna just dropped her new video for her single ‘Bitch better have my money’ yesterday and I’m not sure what to think of the video on the whole but I’ll tell you what I do like about the video. Rihanna nekkid. And I don’t mean naked in a titillating, come hither, I will seduce you kinda way. Instead she is naked in a way that doesn’t draw attention to her tits. She isn’t trying to seduce you, she’s just naked because that’s what she wants to be at the time. And I love it.
You might be asking what the difference is and Imma tell you. First of all, remind me to never borrow a fiver from Riri, cuz girl is scary when she wants her money back. Secondly, this video is disturbing. And I’m usually a fan of disturbing shit. Maybe I’m just not a fan of a woman getting kidnapped and then tortured because her man owes Rihanna money. If Riri wanted to show the world that she’s got a cuhrazy side, she’s succeeded.
Finally, this video openly shows tits in a mainstream pop video, which is kinda risque. I mean, Nicki Minaj pushed the envelope in her Anaconda video and Riri seems to be taking it home with hers. In one fell swoop Rihanna has completely dominated #FreeTheNipple by freeing hers for the world to see.
As I mentioned above, her nakedness seems empowering. She seems completely confident in her body. Other than one gratuitous (and much appreciated) shot of her fine ass, every other shot of her body seems to capture her as a whole being, rather than pieces of Rihanna. Or sexy pieces of a human body. Which is usually the case when showing naked women on screen.
And none of it was meant to be sexy. At least I don’t think so. Anyway why am I so excited about this whole video? Aside from the disturbing torture scenes, I am loving the unabashed nakedness. I love that we can be cool about nakedness. Well, I’ll retract that last sentence, I mean the video has been out barely a day, I gotta give the pearl clutchers some time to gather their thoughts before spewing hate all over the nakedness of that Rihanna. I mean they completely lost their shit over Miley being naked on a wrecking ball. I can’t wait to see what they do with Rihanna covered in blood, completely naked, buried in dollar bills in a chest. HA!
But whatever they say, I am glad that we’re seeing more mainstream nakedness. The more comfortable we become with women and men being naked, the less we’ll have to be scared about the human body and sex and sensuality. Amen.