Like all Tenga products, the Tenga 3D Spiral does not look like a sex toy. Which is one of my favorite things about all the products from Tenga. It takes a little bit of getting used to if you’re used to toys that look like sex, but once you get your head around it it’s great, cuz if someone stumbles upon it, they wouldn’t know what to make of it – unless of course they own one too.
Today’s pleasure piece looks a little like a carved candle or a white sponge. Which is great if someone stumbles upon it while it’s drying out!
What you get
It comes in a see-through cylinder and sits on a stand that props it up. Pretty simple, nothing fancy. Very zen. Tenga’s 3D range comes in four different designs; the one we got is Spiral, on account of the spiraling design. But there are other designs, Zen, Polygon and Module. Each design gives off a different sensation, so you can either get all of them, or test one to see how you like it. The material is really soft, and folds in and over easily.
How to use it
This is a simple, straightforward toy. In order to use it, take the 3D Spiral off its stand and then flip it inside out. This is important! The spirals have to be inside for you to be able to get the full benefit of the toy. Apply a liberal amount of lubricant and, just like the Tenga Egg, stretch the 3D Spiral over your cock and masturbate.
The experience
This was an interesting one. The 3D Spiral stretches enough to fit over an average to perhaps slightly larger penis, but it fits snugly. So it’s great if you like it snug. However, for my man, it fit a little too snugly for his taste. It felt a little awkward to masturbate with as he didn’t quite like the feel of the spiral design against his cock; being too snug and all. It feels like the 3D was made for men with thinner penises. Lengthwise it will fit a regular to above regular sized penis, but girth wise a slim dick will get more benefit out of this.
I flipped it out to see if it fits over a vibrator – it does. And because of the length and snugness, I don’t have to hold it down at the base of my vibrator like I do the Tenga Egg, so yeah, if your man doesn’t want it, you get a weird sex toy. It’s a little too thick to feel an intense vibration, and too soft for a good pounding, but it still fills you up nicely if you want something to play with. So there is that.
The clean up
Easy enough to clean; just flip it over and wash out the jizz and lube. We flipped it over again to wash both sides. Then we towel dabbed both sides and put it back on the stand it came in to dry.
Not his cup of tea, but still a pretty neat toy all in all.