The Internet has been busy – isn’t it always? Nary a week goes by without some new and exciting thing launching or something else crashing. Last week was no different. We’ve been working hard to keep an eye out on everything so you don’t have to. Here’s our round up of what’s been rattling around the web:
Jason Statham Dancing in Leopard Print Underwear
First of all, you’re welcome. Secondly, we all had to start somewhere. We can’t have just appeared in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch and Transporter just like that! We have to pay our dues, and so did Statham – in the form of a scantily dressed go-go dancer in The Shamen’s hit song “Comin’ on” (because of course it was a hit song!). The world is just everybody.
Matthew McConaughey Reacts to New Star Wars Teaser
This meme has been going around since Interstellar, but nowhere has it been more appropriate than at this moment. You’ve all by now seen the new Star Wars teaser, I’m sure? Not a dry eye anywhere, much less on McConaughey! Reaction videos aren’t news anymore since there are like a gabillion of them on the Internet but this one is gonna be your new favorite one. Enjoy!
BuzzFeed Has Cute Animals for Apple Watch
If you’re going to miss your daily dose of cute animal photos, then fear not as BuzzFeed has you covered. The watch hasn’t launched yet, but BuzzFeed has already created an app that will keep you well supplied with cute animals. It’s called Cute or Not and it’s available for download at the App store. Just swipe a left or right to see cute lil’ animals and when you’re done (or someone comes around) just lower your hands and carry on as usual. Simple!
Beyonce Is More Special Than You (But We Knew That)
Speaking of the Apple watch, Beyonce has just posted a couple photos on her website where she is sporting an Apple watch with a solid gold link bracelet – not available on their website or for sale anywhere. But she’s not the only one, Karl Lagerfeld also posted his watch onto Instagram – so it appears that either this watch is only being sold to the uber elite clients OR it is a gift from Apple to their favorite high profile clients. Either way, none of us plebs will be getting our grubby paws on it anytime soon. And even if we could, we’d never be able to afford the price, which is most definitely upwards of $17,000! Bah! Who needs a gold watch!