Anyone looking for seriously wicked sex advice needs look no further. Sexual education guru Jessica Drake has teamed up with the fine folks over at Wicked Pictures to bring an excellent educational opportunity to the world of Twitter. So dig up those unanswered sex questions and get ready to translate them into 140 characters.
Starting presently, drake will be answering questions tweeted to the handle @Guide2WickedSex each Friday, a batch of ten at a time. To ensure you’re in the running for helpful explanations from the wickedly brainy Drake, post questions by Wednesday, and include the hashtag #jdSexEd in each tweet. To participate, you must be 18 years old or over.
Beyond a hefty sum of knowledge, folks tweeting to Drake and Wicked will be entered into a once a month raffle, the prize being any DVD installment of drake’s own “Jessica Drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex,” and entry into a bigger drawing to win the entire box set of this acclaimed instructional series by year’s end. That’s quite the opportunity to gain many a level in the game of sex.
Drake, who besides her work as a renowned sex educator is a contract performer for Wicked, commented in a recent press release, “getting people to open up and talk about sex can be difficult, so the goal of this campaign and contest is to help get the conversation started.
“This is a great opportunity for everyone to chime in and ask those tough questions,” said Drake. “I’m really looking forward to answering [questions] and hopefully sparking even more conversations.”
Really, there’s much to be gained by supporting this campaign, not only in that it’s helpful toward your private sex life, but also in that the more voices join the conversation, the more diverse and powerful the discourse will become. Drake herself is an advocate for not only sexual wellness in the physical sense, but also in the idea that people should maintain relationships based on mutual love. This campaign helps to promote sex positivity emotionally and intellectually.
“Jessica Drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex,” first released by Wicked Pictures in 2011, is an immersive educational experience, with Drake at the hosting helm of the series. Each installment takes fans and viewers into a different facet of sex and relationships, with topics such as communication, hot spots on the body, and fellatio, that particular volume being the most popular of the series, having won an AVN award in 2012. The videos feature didactic performances, so each new technique is taught in the most explicit, detailed way possible. Not only is the series informative but it’s also rather fun to watch, a reminder that sex education should be as much fun as the act itself.
Dee Dennis, founder of CatalystCon, a sexuality conference she’s called a “melting pot of sexuality” that inspires conversation and change, has defined Drake as “an amazing sex educator and speaker, who represents a new direction and is breaking new ground.” Drake’s been breaking ground since 2011, and now’s the time to join her and Wicked in crumbling more barriers and taboos than previously thought possible. Being an active part of the campaign not only offers the chance at encyclopedic knowledge about sex, but also the chance to show the importance of asking questions about a topic that still needs a whole lot more education.